Chara-Ani is releasing more Toho Monster Netsuke Godzilla '95, Destoroyah, and Anime Mechagodzilla (the second Mechagodzilla figure to be revealed), both Godzilla and Destoroyah were originally shown at the Spring Miyazawa Model Exhibition. Each deformed style polyurethane figure is approx 5 to 6cm tall, retails for 10,000 yen each (approx $90 US), and will be released July 2018.
Bandai is releasing the Master Detail Movie Monster Mechagodzilla (Anime) figure, giving us the first good look at the Anime version. This figure is more detailed than normal figures in the line (hence the name), it stands 19cm tall and is 45cm in length. It will retail for 4,968 yen (approx $45 US), it can be pre-ordered from the Bandai Premium shop with release scheduled for Nov 2018.
X-Plus is releasing Large Monster Series Space Godzilla & Favorite Sculptors Line 30cm Series Godzilla 1962, Space Godzilla was shown some time ago with a release date of late 2017 but never was released. The Ric Space Godzilla comes with Little Godzilla (as a set), Space Godzilla stands 26cm tall, Little Godzilla is 12cm tall, and it retails for 23,220 yen for the set (21,600 yen for the standard without Little Godzilla). Godzilla 1962, part of the Favorite Sculptors Line, the Ric features a light up gimmick and namplate, it stands 28cm tall, and retails for 21,600 yen for the Ric (standard 19,980 yen). Both can be pre-ordered now with release in July 2018. Bandai is releasing three new Musikleidung Shin Godzilla T-Shirts, all three t-shirts feature front and back print and are 100% cotton. Two feature Shin Godzilla 4th Form the other is the 2nd Form, they come in sizes M, L, XL and are black t-shirts. They retail for 3,500 yen and can be pre-ordered from the Bandai Premium site with release in July 2018.
Bandai/Tamashii is releasing the S.H. MonsterArts Godzilla Earth 2018 figure (from the Godzilla Anime sequel). Update: This figure is slightly different from the previous version, it stands 17cm tall and comes with a landing craft (5.5cm in size), his filius (son, 2.5cm tall), and a stand for the craft. It will retail for 11,880 yen, can be pre-ordered from the Bandai Web Shop, and will be released in Oct 2018. This figure will be released by Bluefin is the US for $120 and will be released in Nov 2018.
Marusan continues to celebrate their 95th Anniversary with more releases, they include King Ghidorah Poster Edition, Giant Gorilla (Kong) Silver & White Version, Giant Gorilla and Hedorah 450 Trial Versions, Super Festival Mechagodzillas limited resale; Godzilla '71, Hedorah '71, and Ganimes with mini figures. Ghidorah is a metallic orange, stands 30cm tall, and will be released at Marsan Toy Festival (June 23-24) and retails for 17,280 yen. Giant Gorilla Silver & White stands 28cm tall and retails for 17,280 yen. Giant Gorilla Trial Version is the same figure but in a beige color and retails for 12,960 yen. Hedorah Trial Version (also beige in color) is 30cm tall and retails 12,960 yen. The Mechagodzillas are a resale of the three colors available at Super Festival 77 in which there is a random color (lucky bag), they are 30cm tall and retail for 16,200 yen. Godzilla '71, Hedorah '71, and Ganimes all comes with mini mystery figures as with some previously shown figure (4 each with Godzilla & Hedorah, 2 with Ganimes), each retails for 10,800 yen. All should be released by Sept 2018 check with Mike Johnson on Facebook if interested.
Sega is releasing another Godzilla Anime sequel (Fixed Battle Mobile Proliferation City) related prize figure this time a vinyl figure. The figure is 14cm tall and 23cm in length it will be released late June 2018 in prize machines in Japan.
X-Plus is releasing the Toho 30cm Series Mogera figure, they have shown this figure multiple times (unpainted and painted) at shows previously. This figure stands 30cm tall, the Ric version includes light up eyes and chest maser. The Ric retails for 24,840 yen, the standard is 22,680 yen, both can be pre-ordered now with release scheduled for June 2018.
September 2024
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