Synopsis for "Lifespan"
Camp Schwab, an American Military Base in Okinawa, was put on lockdown after a n unsuspecting corporal brought a Rodan egg back from a hike. Doctor Holder was called to study it while the base braced for an attack from the circling monster. He was quickly informed that the egg would be destroyed before he could research it, and grew violent. When he returned home to his son, Ethan Holder, he was hostile toward his son's pleas to remain home from school due to his constantly being bullied, and instead still lamented the loss of the egg. Ethan, seeing an opportunity, then talked his father into stealing the egg from the laboratory under cover of night. Ethan then stayed home from school to watch over the egg, and when Doctor Holder prepared to enter his laboratory, he was arrested by Military Police. Ethan, angry at his father for his lack of interest in his life, took the egg to school and left it on the playground in order to summon Rodan to kill the students who had tormented him, When Rodan came for the egg, Ethan was greatly distraught when the Military began to fire on the Monster. He even went as far as to call the Military bullies themselves for attacking a creature that only wanted to take its child and leave. Near the end of its raid, Rodan's egg hatched and Ethan climbed onto Rodan's wing and flew away with it while Military Police swore to his father that they would hunt and kill both Rodan and its child. Original Solicitation "The spotlights on Godzilla's greatest foes and allies continue! This issue focuses on the master of the skies- the mighty Rodan! When Rodan's egg is stolen and kept at military research facility, the winged beast is tireless in its attempts to retrieve it. However, the human intrigue and betrayal inside the facility will ultimately hold the key to whether Rodan and child will be reunited again!" |
July 2019
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