Synopsis for this issue As part of a rescue mission, The G-Force team arrives on the remote island of Kiryoku-shima, whose people have rejected modern technology since World War II, to warn of Godzilla's impending arrival. A former G-Force member named Kogenta, who has been living on the island to research its people, greets them before they head to the meeting hall with their news. Rather than evacuate, the residents side with the priestess Ookii'Mune, who insists that the local god Gekido-jinwill protect them. As they argue, Godzilla destroys the U.S. Navy forces meant to supervise the evacuation. Ookii'Mune gathers the islanders at the shrine of Gekido-jin while G-Force retrieves a dart gun from their craft as Godzilla walks onto the island. Ookii'Mune explains that while it is typically forbidden for non-islanders like Kogenta and G-Force to see the shrine, the state of emergency necessitates an exception before revealing that the statue is possessed by an Oni. Gekido-jin had lived on Kiryoku-Shima before the first humans had come from mainland Japan to settle it, and were constantly attacked by the spirit, which grew stronger with every defeat, until a monk sacrificed himself to Gekido-Jin to battle the Oni inside. While the spirits within Gekido-Jin are fighting the statue cannot move. Ookii'Mune then voices her intent to release the Monk's spirit by taking his place and allowing the Oni to have control of Gekido-Jin long enough for it to ward off Godzilla before taking up the eternal battle to keep the statue dormant.
Gekido-jin then slams his hammer into Godzilla's face before slowly backing toward an ocean-facing cliff. Godzilla then charges Gekido-jin and tackles him off the cliff, and destroys him for the final time with his Atomic Breath. G-Force and Ookii'Mune pay their respects to Kogenta, who resumes control of Gekido-jin and reforms on the ocean floor, acknowledging that the battle is over because he got Godzilla off the island before taking up the ancient Monk's position and resuming battle with the Oni. Note
This comic was re-released as the Dark Horse Classics: Godzilla Color Special in April, 1998. It was also released as the Godzilla Especial Color (December 1998) by Norma Editorial in Spanish. Trivia
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