X-Plus has made their full reveal of Pacific Rim Knifehead, and much like Leatherback this is an awesome Pacific Rim figure. The figure features both a light up feature (eyes and mouth) as well as a battle damage paint that from the way the Ric site states is revealed via a blacklight. There is a regular version that does not come with these two features. The figures stands 30cm tall (approx 12 inches) and will retail for 17,999 yen (approx $173 US, the regular version will be 16,666 yen approx $160 US). The Ric will be available from X-Plus, the regular via other retailers, both will be released in Dec 2016.
X-Plus posted a shadowy teaser image of Pacific Rim's Knifehead on there site, while no info is given it has been teased for a while, X-Plus released two versions of Leatherback the first Pacific Rim figure and it seems to have received positive reviews. More info as we get it.
AmiAmi has posted a listing for the standard version of the X-Plus Pacific Rim Leatherback, while at first glance some may not notice the difference it features a different head, The Ric Boy version is "roaring head emissions version" which basically when Leatherback was about the use his electromagnetic pulse in the film, the standard version is similar with an open mouth but not to the extent as the Ric. Everything else about the figure is basically the same except price the Ric was 17,999 yen, the standard 16,999 (approx a $10 US difference AmiAmi has there discount as well). I personally like this version better but some may like the Ric better. For comparison we included a pic of the Ric at the bottom (standard left, Ric right).
X-Plus is releasing their first Pacific Rim figure Leatherback Ric Boy. This awesome figure is 25 cm tall (approx 10 inches) and will retail for approx $165 US, this is a prototype actual product may differ slightly. It will be released by early July 2016.
NECA made a post on Twitter pretty much confirming that their Pacific Rim line with end after the last few figures are released (Mutavore, Hardship, and Ultimate Gipsy Danger). There could be a number of reasons for this their rights to the license expired, lack of interest/slow sales, among other things.
But it seems fans have actually had more of an interest in Pacific Rim then the film makers at times, other then the creator Guillermo del Toro. He has wanted to continue the franchise but Pacific Rim 2 has been plagued by delays and issues including del Toro not being able to direct (Steven S. DeKnight has been named to new director). Now though there seems to be more action on the figure front, get it. X-Plus recently showed their first Pacific Rim figure Leatherback and there has been talk of others coming from them. And now del Toro himself tweeted the question, "Would you love a metal deluxe figure toy line of all Jaegers on Pacific Rim?" along with a poll (which is 85% positive as of this writing, Twitter post below). Could this mean another toy company is getting involved with the line or is this just a gauge of interest for this from him. We hope it means another line will be coming and having metal based Jaegers would be quite cool from a realism standpoint. Some have question durability of a metal toy but we feel if done right these would be fine. We really hope they continue to make Pacific Rim figures the NECA one's are pretty awesome and the first one from X-Plus looks darn awesome too. More info as we get on future Pacific Rim figures as well as the possible sequel.
August 2024
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