KING KONG of SKULL ISLAND is a large format, illustrated novel that explores the history of the Kongs and the culture on Skull Island.
Welcome to the King Kong of Skull Island project. This is for all those with an irrepressible love of art, King Kong, dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, assorted monsters, real and speculative science plus fiction, action, adventure, and other assorted knick knacks of imagination. With your help, this Kickstarter will delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding King Kong and Skull Island than ever before. King Kong of Skull Island contains the long awaited expansion of Joe’s original 1992 creation, Skull Island. King Kong of Skull Island will open with The Denham Diaries, which will be followed by a novel in two parts: Part 1: Exodus and Part 2: The Wall, all co-written by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland. The book will feature lush, full color interior art and an extensive sketchbook section written and lavishly illustrated by DeVito. Creating the original Skull Island and its ancillary work, The History of Skull Island, brought into play a life-long fascination with everything King Kong. Conceived with the full support of Kong creator Merian C. Cooper’s family, these represented the first true expansions of the King Kong mythos since the creation of Kong himself–not only of King Kong, but of all the Kongs who came before him, as well as the forgotten human civilization that came to occupy Skull Island millennia before. The new novel, the accompanying Denham Diaries, sketchbook text, drawings and details contained in this new King Kong of Skull Island book cover the entire ground-breaking Skull Island creation and exponentially expands upon it. It goes on to explore the continued saurian evolution and adaptation that took place on the island over the 65 million years following the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. King Kong of Skull Island uncovers the origins of both the mighty Kongs and the Tagatu civilization, while digging deep into the very foundations of Skull Island itself. Woven throughout the entire tapestry of the stories are unusual scientific facts and theories to add verisimilitude. Each book comes with a numbered bookplate exclusive to this edition that is signed by the authors.
In development for 25 years, King Kong of Skull Island features a 95,000 word novel in two parts.
Part 1: EXODUS delves into the hidden history of the Tagatu civilization, the origins of the mighty Kongs and the strange, ancient interactions that enabled their survival in the midst of disastrous events. Facing impossible obstacles, the spectacular exodus of an entire civilization unfolds against a cataclysmic backdrop leading to an unlikely destination: Skull Island. Unless a solution can be found quickly, the unimaginable dangers encountered there threaten to forever wipe them from the face of the earth… Part 2: THE WALL tells the incredible story of what happened on Skull Island after the arrival there of the first human civilization, their interaction with the prehistoric Kongs, and the war for species survival against the island’s strange saurian denizens. Life there has not stood still, but continued to evolve for tens of millions of years to a point where humans may no longer be dominant. The inevitable, penultimate war for survival between humans, Kongs and super-saurians takes place against the backdrop of the massive undertaking of the building of the iconic Wall: A barrier that will span the millennia to play a major role in the eventual rise and fall of the mythic beast-god of Skull Island, King Kong! King Kong of Skull Island also contains the 30,000 word Denham Diaries, a retelling of DeVito’s original Skull Island story that reveals the fate of Carl Denham in the wake of King Kong’s death, recounts the epic adventure of how Kong became a King, and determines the fate of the Tagatu people. Along the way many mysteries of Skull Island are uncovered, effectively making the island a character in its own right. The book will also feature an extensive, lavishly illustrated sketchbook section of over 25,000 words by DeVito that digs into the foundations of Skull Island as never before, as well as a lush, full–color Kong/Skull Island art gallery! Click here to pledge today to get your copy of this exciting and soon to be rare book! Sample Art
July 2024
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