FIGURE SPECS東宝30CMシリーズ 「ゴジラ (ゴジラ ファイナルウォーズ 2004版)」 JAPAN RELEASE: MAY 2013 NORTH AMERICAN REISSUE: MARCH 2017 SERIES: TOHO 30CM SERIES MATERIAL: SOFT VINYL FROM: “GODZILLA FINAL WARS”, 2004 ゴジラ ファイナルウォーズ HEIGHT: 11 INCHES / 27.94 CM WIDTH: ABOUT 8.5 INCHES (NOT INCLUDING TAIL) / 21.59 CM LENGTH: ABOUT 12 INCHES / 30.48 CM ARTICULATION: KNEES REVIEW AND PHOTOS: JOHN STANOWSKI The Godzilla Final Wars suit is not often a favorite among many fans… but this is one hell of a figure! SCULPTYou don’t need me to tell how good this guy looks. The X-Plus Toho 30cm Godzilla 2004 vinyl figure is a dead ringer for the actual suit. From every single angle the sculpt and pose combine to make a fantastically faithful reproduction. I never noticed a purple tongue and gums in the movie, but I’m sure it’s accurate. The purple appears really vibrant in this close-up photo, but have no fear: on the shelf it appears much darker and unsaturated. The teeth look great in their off white, almost tan color. There’s a ton of great detail in this guy’s maw including folds on the tongue and ridges on the roof of his mouth. The eyes have incredible detail. Black pupils fan out over a ring of yellow and then red. Unfortunately the eyes really can’t be appreciated with the naked eye and need a camera to reveal them. But it’s nice to know the detail is there! From a distance the eyes appear mostly dark red. All of the claws have the added detail of ridges reaching out of the cuticles along with dark tan or brown shading brushed in. Lookin’ good! JOINTS AND ARTICULATIONThis figure’s right knee rotates and I found I had to do so in order to make his foot fall flat on the shelf. His left knee does NOT rotate so don’t forget which is which or you might break a glue seal. I’m pleased to report there are no unsightly panty lines on this figure. There are seams at each elbow and knee but they are well hidden. And the tail is a pretty close fit to the body, too! POSEThe pose is dynamic, more so than usual. It reminds me of a scene in which Godzilla had just run past a kaiju foe and then whipped around for another strike. There are so many great angles to this figure that you may find it difficult to decide how to display him. SIZE & FOOTPRINTThe tail on this figure makes a hard turn to its left making for a nice fit on most shelves. So many long tails force us to display figures at angles because of walls and the backs of bookcases, but you might actually get this guy to face forward. The arc of the Godzilla 2004 tail makes it possible to place another figure fairly close to him. At first glance this figure seems to scale well with it’s 30cm Series buddies. But take a closer look and you’ll see the shoulders come a little short. This may be explained away partially by two things. First, the figure’s wide stance brings him closer to the ground. Second, the Final Wars suit was much slimmer than the suits which came before it, but I still don’t think this would affect the height much. In the end, it seems this figure is on the short side, just like the 30cm series Godzilla 1984 which was released the month before. The X-Plus 30cm Godzilla 2003 comes packaged in a blind box. It arrives in two pieces: the main body and one tail piece. The tail joint is not completely round but rather elliptical and flat on one end. I had trouble attaching the tail. I wound up having to cool it off and heat only the butt before it would go in without creating folds in the flange of the tail piece. Collector Ryu Hayabusa had absolutely no trouble at all after dipping the tail into boiling water. IS IT REAL? OR X-PLUSBy John Stanowski Originally posted June 6th, 2013 on Kaiju Addicts.
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Author/AboutJohn Stanowski
Owner/Blogger of Kaiju Addicts, a premiere X-Plus and figure related website. Kaiju Addicts is a guide to collecting X-Plus Godzilla/Kaiju vinyls. It is site that is a web portal featuring all things X-Plus including his own written figure reviews, news, release schedules as well as content from other collectors and reviewers. Kaiju Addicts Reviews and Original photos by John Stanowski, do not copy and reuse without permission. Photos are NOT to be used for selling. Kaiju Addicts also posts content from other reviewers and user submitted photos which are copyrighted by their owners and can not be copied without permission. All articles on this page are
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