We finally got our Godzilla: King Of The Monster presentation at Tokyo Comic Con and there was good stuff and well not such good stuff. We got a teaser trailer without much new footage but not the full trailer we were hoping for. We did get some new production stills and clips including what may have been a Muto (possibly a flashback, in trailer in Tweet). We got the large statue reveal of Godzilla, as well as the S.H. MonsterArts figure reveals. A positive thing was we were told we would get a trailer soon. Check out some of the images and teaser below.More info as we get it.
We posted on our Facebook page that there will be something pertaining to Godzilla: King Of The Monsters at Tokyo Comic Con, we are getting more info on this. There will be a stage presentation on Saturday Dec 1st at 12:20 with guests, Michael Dougherty and possible others, and possibly a new trailer. There will be a 2 meter tall statue that will be revealed at the panel. Also announced is something from Tamashii's S.H. MonsterArts, a possible reveal or maybe just a tease, the figure is a Yuji Sakai design and will stand 16cm tall. There will also be a poster giveaway (same poster image as SDCC, image below) which is limited to 3,000. While many of the details are still vague there has been enough teases that we should definitely get something. The official Godzilla Twitter page has also posted a new film screenshot (and a better pic of Dougherty), also posted below. Also of note there was a post by another site that NECA would reveal something but the post was pulled, NECA than said it didn't know of anything (via Twitter). But oddly NECA seemed to back track themselves and hinted at a teaser but no full reveal till they would be allowed by Warner/Legendary/Toho. More info on all this as we get it.
July 2024
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