The Complete Monster Earth
An Omnibus Edition Collecting Monster Earth, Betrayal on Monster Earth, and War for Monster Earth Story ONE WORLD. THREE ANTHOLOGIES. 12 WRITERS. DOZENS OF GIANT MONSTERS! The Complete Monster Earth collects all three volumes of the epic Monster Earth prose anthology trilogy-Monster Earth, Betrayal on Monster Earth, and War for Monster Earth, created by Jim Beard and James Palmer and sporting a brand new cover by the amazing Jeffrey Ray Hayes. ​From James Palmer, In 2014, my friend Jim Beard and I had an idea. I had long wanted to do a anthology of kaiju fiction, but I didn't want to do the same old book filled with unconnected tales of random encounters with Godzilla clones. I wanted the stories to weave together into their own special world, and I wanted to focus at least somewhat on character, in this case the hapless humans who find themselves at the mercy of these giant beasties. Jim had the brilliant idea of an alternate Cold War fought with giant monsters instead of nuclear weapons, and Monster Earth was born. It proved to be very popular, and the following year we did a sequel, Betrayal on Monster Earth, which brought the story into the 90s with a race to obtain kaiju DNA paired with a sinister doomsday cult. We followed that up with the only (so far) Monster Earth novel, Desmond Reddick's Mother of Abominations, about a very long-lived Aleister Crowley and the Loch Ness Monster. Jim had an idea for a third and final volume that would tie everything together, but I needed to find another, better, artist to not only build the third volume's cover, but create new covers for the first two books in order to tie the series together. Then we both got busy with other projects and it got put on the back burner. Around 2019, I finally found that artist in Jeffrey Ray Hayes. Then, last March, in the midst of the pandemic, I edited and published the third and final volume in the series, War for Monster Earth, bringing this monstrous shared world alternate history story to a close. But I'm not done yet. I want to bring all three anthologies together into one massive volume, almost 650 pages in all, with a new cover by artist extraordinaire Jeffrey Ray Hayes. It will be available in ebook, paperback and hardcover, and will be offered as a Kickstarter exclusive, available only to our wonderful backers (it won't show up on Amazon and the other retailers until early next year). Check out all the details, and rewards here and back this awesome project, it's Kaiju Battle approved!
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