Kaiju vs Cancer has announced their first anthology Courage On Infinite Earths, as with there other projects it is done to help raise money for cancer research, check out the details below and some artwork from the book.
Courage On Infinite Earths: A Kaiju vs Cancer Anthology In a pocket dimension, a dark creature comprised of a living illness is sending pieces of itself across the multiverse. As the emissaries of this horror reach different versions of Earth they are spreading the disease they carry and causing the deaths of countless people. Heroes from countless dimensions are facing off against this threat as the vigilante Raptor travels from universe to universe gathering a coalition of warriors to battle the source of this scourge. The greatest heroes from independent comics, novels, and YouTube come together to face this threat! Within the pages of this book, you will read both short stories and comics featuring Raptor (Matthew Dennion), Marshal Star (Dennis Roth and Declan Burke) Jeremy Walker (Zach Cole), The Whisper (Serene Dennion), Bounty (J.D. Cunegan), The References, The Work Force (Mark Dennion), The Strangers (Jean-Marc Lofficier), Caitlin Crow (Alan OW Barnes), Moonstalker, Centurion (Christofer Nigro), Cosmic Gorilla (John Opal), Sky Girl (Joe Sergi), Jake Cooper (Martin Tiller), Smash (Chris A. Bolton and Kyle Bolton), Airheart (Jay Taylor), Striven (Tom Warin), Lightweight (Nicholas Ahlhelm), Nagoraiar (Planet-G), Augustine and Bell (William T. Kearny), Draco Azul (Andres Perez). All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to the patients at St. Jude Children’s Cancer Research Hospital to fight the real life monster of childhood cancer. Paperback: 306 pages Price: $40.00 Kindle: 219 pages Price: $2.99 Order here.
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Larger Than Life is an upcoming tabletop miniatures game from FossilPunk Foundry focused on Kaiju fighting for dominance. Each player controls one or more kaiju, played on a terrain board (terrain usually representing city buildings and urban environments).
Each Kaiju is represented by a stat card containing its basic information (special rules, movement speed, a few other details), while their attacks, powers, and abilities are represented by a deck of cards - deck building is an important part of the game's strategy, as many cards can be used for any kaiju, representing generic attacks such as slashing with claws, or whipping an enemy with their tail. Every kaiju though has a suite of cards unique to them, though, which allows players to build and experiment with different strategies, synergies when using two kaiju teamed up, etc.. The game will be launched with two Kaiju starter sets around April 2019, with Leviatrox and Carcarrion being our first two Kaiju - Leviatrox is the serpentine, plesiosaur-like kaiju, a Class 10 Kaiju (the largest, most powerful in the game) who specializes in long-term disruption and finishing off opponents. Carcarrion is the shark-like Kaiju, a Class 8 Kaiju, with toxic blood and specializes in board control - to help make up the difference in power between the two, Carcarrion is accompanied by swarms of smaller kaiju - deep sea parasite creatures you can see in his art (below). https://fossilpunkfoundry.com/ |
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