The Complete Monster Earth
An Omnibus Edition Collecting Monster Earth, Betrayal on Monster Earth, and War for Monster Earth Story ONE WORLD. THREE ANTHOLOGIES. 12 WRITERS. DOZENS OF GIANT MONSTERS! The Complete Monster Earth collects all three volumes of the epic Monster Earth prose anthology trilogy-Monster Earth, Betrayal on Monster Earth, and War for Monster Earth, created by Jim Beard and James Palmer and sporting a brand new cover by the amazing Jeffrey Ray Hayes. From James Palmer, In 2014, my friend Jim Beard and I had an idea. I had long wanted to do a anthology of kaiju fiction, but I didn't want to do the same old book filled with unconnected tales of random encounters with Godzilla clones. I wanted the stories to weave together into their own special world, and I wanted to focus at least somewhat on character, in this case the hapless humans who find themselves at the mercy of these giant beasties. Jim had the brilliant idea of an alternate Cold War fought with giant monsters instead of nuclear weapons, and Monster Earth was born. It proved to be very popular, and the following year we did a sequel, Betrayal on Monster Earth, which brought the story into the 90s with a race to obtain kaiju DNA paired with a sinister doomsday cult. We followed that up with the only (so far) Monster Earth novel, Desmond Reddick's Mother of Abominations, about a very long-lived Aleister Crowley and the Loch Ness Monster. Jim had an idea for a third and final volume that would tie everything together, but I needed to find another, better, artist to not only build the third volume's cover, but create new covers for the first two books in order to tie the series together. Then we both got busy with other projects and it got put on the back burner. Around 2019, I finally found that artist in Jeffrey Ray Hayes. Then, last March, in the midst of the pandemic, I edited and published the third and final volume in the series, War for Monster Earth, bringing this monstrous shared world alternate history story to a close. But I'm not done yet. I want to bring all three anthologies together into one massive volume, almost 650 pages in all, with a new cover by artist extraordinaire Jeffrey Ray Hayes. It will be available in ebook, paperback and hardcover, and will be offered as a Kickstarter exclusive, available only to our wonderful backers (it won't show up on Amazon and the other retailers until early next year). Check out all the details, and rewards here and back this awesome project, it's Kaiju Battle approved!
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Kaijus & Cowboys Kickstarter is now Live!
Press release Apr. 30, 2021, (TAOS, NM) — What happens when two worlds get crossed to make way for something more suitable for living? Kaijus & Cowboys, written by Matthew Blair with art and colors by Frankie B. Washington, is an all-new exciting Sci-Fi/Western that will surely want you to spare a dime or two, buckaroo! Earth was overrun by a strange colony of Kaiju monsters centuries ago. When humanity looks to the stars to find another planet to call home, the A.I. constructs robotic settlements and “the Hunters”— robots responsible for terraforming the planet and to purge it of dangerous Kaiju— to make the planet safe for inhabiting once again. “When I graduated college in 2012 I wasn't in the best emotional and mental headspace,” said writer Matthew Blair. “Creating and writing comic books gave me purpose and it's wonderful to see years of planning and practice start paying off in this project. Frankie and I have been working together for years, and it's an incredible treat to work with someone who is so talented, dedicated to his craft, and passionate about giant monsters and robots. We would be delighted if you helped us bring Kaijus & Cowboys to life.” “Illustrating Kaijus & Cowboys has been a time warp to my childhood watching classic ‘Creature Features’ starring giant robots and Kaiju,” said Frankie B. Washington. “The relationship I have with Matthew is a collaborative balance that would make any creative team jealous.” Click here to back this project. War on Monster Earth, A Monster Earth Anthology
From James Palmer - The Story In 2014, my friend Jim Beard and I had an idea. I had long wanted to do a anthology of kaiju fiction, but I didn't want to do the same old book filled with unconnected tales of encounters with Godzilla clones. I wanted the stories to weave together into their own special world. Jim had the brillliant idea of an alternate Cold War fought with giant monsters instead of nuclear weapons, and Monster Earth was born. It proved to be very popular, and the following year we did a sequel, War on Monster Earth, which brought the story into the 90s with a race to obtain kaiju DNA paired with a sinister doomsday cult. We followed that up with the only (so far) Monster Earth novel, Desmond Reddick's Mother of Abominations. Jim had a third and final volume in mind, but I got busy with solo projects and we never got around to it...until now. This year I commissioned the amazing artist Jeffrey Hayes to create new covers for the first two volumes, and so I felt it was finally time to conclude the saga of this alternate history shared world giant monster anthology. WAR ON MONSTER EARTH SYNOPSIS War on Monster Earth takes place almost immediately after the events of Betrayal on Monster Earth, when mysterious egg-like objects start falling from the sky all over the world. One by one these eggs hatch, revealing horrifying alien monsters the likes of which humanity has never seen. It will take all of mankind's daring, and mankind's own monsters, to defeat this mysterious alien threat. Will our monsters prevail? Or will this be the end of Monster Earth? Writers JAMES PALMER I am an award-nominated writer of science fiction and pulp adventure. I have written four novellas in the Shadow Council Archives series from Falstaff Books, as well as space opera, steampunk, and more. In addition to the Monster Earth books, I have edited the anthologies Strange Trails, Super Swingin' Heroes 1968 Special, and Robots Unleashed! I was one of the writers of the successul Kickstarter project The Forty, an art book that reimagined Ali Baba and his forty thieves as time travelers. A recovering comic book addict, I live in Northeast Georgia with my wife and daughter. You can learn more about me over at JIM BEARD Jim Beard became a published writer when he sold a story to DC Comics in 2002. Since that time he's written official Star Wars and Ghostbusters comic book stories and contributed articles and essays to several volumes of comic book history. His prose work includes the novella KOLCHAK: THE LAST TEMPTATION; co-editing and contributing to PLANET OF THE APES: TALES FROM THE FORBIDDEN ZONE; a story for X-FILES: SECRET AGENDAS; GOTHAM CITY 14 MILES, a book of essays on the 1966 Batman TV series; SGT. JANUS, SPIRIT-BREAKER, a collection of pulp ghost stories featuring his Edwardian occult detective; MONSTER EARTH, a shared-world giant monster anthology; and CAPTAIN ACTION: RIDDLE OF THE GLOWING MEN, the first pulp prose novel based on the classic 1960s action figure. Jim also currently provides regular content for, the official Marvel Comics website. Look for Jim on Amazon at, on Facebook at, and on Twitter at @writerjimbeard. RUSSELL NOHELTY Russell Nohelty is a USA Today Bestselling author and publisher at Wannabe Press. He’s written comic books like Katrina Hates the Dead, Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter, and Pixie Dust, along with more than a dozen novels, including his Godsverse Chronicles. He also edits the Cthulhu is Hard to Spell anthology series, and has a very entertaining newsletter, which you can join at and get a few of his books for free. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and dogs. TEEL JAMES GLENN Teel James Glenn has killed hundreds of people—and been killed hundreds of times—on screen--as a stuntman, fight choreographer, swordmaster, actor and haunted house barker. He’s had stories in over a hundred magazines including Weird Tales, Pulp Adventures, Spinetingler, SciFan, Mad, Fantasy Tales, Sword & Sorcery, Sherlock Holmes Mystery and Crimson Streets. He is the winner of the 2012 Pulp Ark Award for Best Author. His books: The First Synn: The Bloodstone Confidential, The Second Synn: Bayou Sinistre, Year of Shadows, Clockwork Nutcracker and The Cowboy In Carpathia for Pro Se. His book Killing Shadows due from Airship27. His website is: NANCY HANSEN An avid reader and prolific writer of fantasy and adventure fiction for over 30 years, Nancy A. Hansen is the author of many novels, anthologies, and short stories. You can find some of her work at Pro Se Presswhere she has a selection of original offerings of novel length under her imprint HANSEN’S WAY, as well as numerous short stories that have been contributed to various Pro Se multi-author publications. She also shares a children’s adventure series called Companion Dragons Taleswith co-authors Roger Stegman and Lee Houston Jr. At Airship 27, Nancy has contributed short stories to Sinbad-The New Voyagesand Tales From The Hanging Monkeyanthologies, and she has an ongoing series of the very popular Jezebel Johnstonpirate novels, including a 4 book omnibus. She also contributed to the Airship 27 anthology, Legends of New Pulp Fictionand is a featured author/editor in Who's Who In New Pulp. Nancy has also written for Mechanoid Pressin their Monster Earthdebut anthology, and at Flinch Bookscontributed to Restless: An Anthology of Mummy Horror. Nancy also has a story in the charity anthology Lost Children, which benefits groups that help abused and exploited youngsters. Nancy has an Amazon Author Page at Her books are also available on Barnes & Noble online and some on Smashwords. Nancy currently resides on an old farm in beautiful, rural eastern Connecticut with an eclectic cast of family members, and one very spoiled dog. JOHN C. BRUENING John C. Bruening is the author of the Midnight Guardian series published by Flinch Books, a small-press venture he co-founded with writer/editor Jim Beard in 2015. He has also contributed short stories to several fiction anthologies and hundreds of articles and essays to other publications. He grew up in a world of comics, vintage B-movies, American literature, detective stories, jazz, pulp fiction, old-time radio drama and other 20th century pop culture – all of which somehow led to a career that began with 15 years of journalism followed by 20 years (and counting) of marketing. He lives in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, with his wife and two teenage children. DESMOND REDDICK Desmond Reddick is a Canadian writer and podcaster. For thirteen years, he’s hosted the weekly horror/cult podcast Dread Media. He’s had stories published in several anthologies of fiction and non-fiction, most notably a collaboration in the pizza-themed anthology that set the horror publishing world on fire last year, Tales from the Crust. His debut novel Mother of Abominations is also set in the Monster Earth universe. He lives on Vancouver Island with his teenage sons and a dog named Kirby. ADD-ON EXTRAS But wait, there's more! Because we're pulling out all the stops to make this anthology the best it can be, we're making it super easy for you to get extra rewards. Simply add in the extra amount from the add-on to your pledge under the reward you picked. We will check with you after this project funds to make sure you get your reward and your add-ons. All of these add-ons are also described in the rewards. You can add-on as many as you would like. No limits. Again, just add the amount(s) to your pledge under your chosen reward. (This allows supporters to get more than one reward.)
Kaiju vs Cancer has announced their first anthology Courage On Infinite Earths, as with there other projects it is done to help raise money for cancer research, check out the details below and some artwork from the book.
Courage On Infinite Earths: A Kaiju vs Cancer Anthology In a pocket dimension, a dark creature comprised of a living illness is sending pieces of itself across the multiverse. As the emissaries of this horror reach different versions of Earth they are spreading the disease they carry and causing the deaths of countless people. Heroes from countless dimensions are facing off against this threat as the vigilante Raptor travels from universe to universe gathering a coalition of warriors to battle the source of this scourge. The greatest heroes from independent comics, novels, and YouTube come together to face this threat! Within the pages of this book, you will read both short stories and comics featuring Raptor (Matthew Dennion), Marshal Star (Dennis Roth and Declan Burke) Jeremy Walker (Zach Cole), The Whisper (Serene Dennion), Bounty (J.D. Cunegan), The References, The Work Force (Mark Dennion), The Strangers (Jean-Marc Lofficier), Caitlin Crow (Alan OW Barnes), Moonstalker, Centurion (Christofer Nigro), Cosmic Gorilla (John Opal), Sky Girl (Joe Sergi), Jake Cooper (Martin Tiller), Smash (Chris A. Bolton and Kyle Bolton), Airheart (Jay Taylor), Striven (Tom Warin), Lightweight (Nicholas Ahlhelm), Nagoraiar (Planet-G), Augustine and Bell (William T. Kearny), Draco Azul (Andres Perez). All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to the patients at St. Jude Children’s Cancer Research Hospital to fight the real life monster of childhood cancer. Paperback: 306 pages Price: $40.00 Kindle: 219 pages Price: $2.99 Order here. Larger Than Life is an upcoming tabletop miniatures game from FossilPunk Foundry focused on Kaiju fighting for dominance. Each player controls one or more kaiju, played on a terrain board (terrain usually representing city buildings and urban environments).
Each Kaiju is represented by a stat card containing its basic information (special rules, movement speed, a few other details), while their attacks, powers, and abilities are represented by a deck of cards - deck building is an important part of the game's strategy, as many cards can be used for any kaiju, representing generic attacks such as slashing with claws, or whipping an enemy with their tail. Every kaiju though has a suite of cards unique to them, though, which allows players to build and experiment with different strategies, synergies when using two kaiju teamed up, etc.. The game will be launched with two Kaiju starter sets around April 2019, with Leviatrox and Carcarrion being our first two Kaiju - Leviatrox is the serpentine, plesiosaur-like kaiju, a Class 10 Kaiju (the largest, most powerful in the game) who specializes in long-term disruption and finishing off opponents. Carcarrion is the shark-like Kaiju, a Class 8 Kaiju, with toxic blood and specializes in board control - to help make up the difference in power between the two, Carcarrion is accompanied by swarms of smaller kaiju - deep sea parasite creatures you can see in his art (below). Kaiju Gods is a Kaiju Anthology coming in February from Alex Maday it looks to be an awesome project that includes so many talented writers and artists. Check out some details below and keep up to date on Facebook here.
The Kaiju Gods are coming this February 7th. Stories by Patrick Blaine, Skylar Patridge, Eric Palicki, Adam Ferris, Bethany Varni, Megan Huang, Łukasz Kowalczuk, Kevin Parent Roditeli, Stefano Cardoselli, Michael William Tener, Justin Mason, Anthony L. Fowler Jr., Darren Stephens, Lyndon John Magbanua, Gene Eusebio Magora, Cari Dee, Andrew Hahn, Bob Salley, Robert Nugent, Jay Piscopo, Enzo Garza, Nicolas Touris, Garrett Gunn, Danny Warner, Frankie B Washington, and many more. Cover art by Patrick Blaine From Alex - I know it's months away but I wanted to get a start getting the word out now. Kaiju Gods is coming Feb 7th and it consists of multiple short kaiju stories. This book is thick with diversity and represents many cultures and creators and that is something I'm very proud to bring to you guys. Every creator in this book has really stepped it up and I cant wait to show you more. More news and sneak peaks to come. Thanks for your growing support, helping make this book larger than life.
LANDSLIDE Cursed Ground
If you could control your own monster, who would die first? Massive malicious Monsters! From the beast under your bed to the creepy crawlies in your head, the very perspective of what defines a “Monster” fascinates me. Especially the big ones! Would it still be considered a monster if it was your compadre? What if you could manipulate a civilization crushing behemoth to do your bidding? If you could control your own monster, who would die first? These are questions I explore in 'Landslide Cursed Ground' as our main character Cecil happens to befriend an over sized earth devil. The Landslide setting is embedded in vibrant folklore, where I intertwine history with mythos to create a world where the arcane can walk again. Experience the birth of this universe and help contribute to its manifestation. It is here that I invoke monsters of lore, resurrecting forgotten, or hidden entities into the Landslide comic series so that they may not only live again, but kick each other's ass across these pages in devastating kaiju battles. Maybe it's my love and deep respect of nature that Landslide came to life, crumbling out of my head like an avalanche, big, powerful and larger than life. I have always been surrounded by wild-lands and enjoy spending as much time as possible in those secret places, hidden from the slow deluge of man. I suspect it was there that these stories started to form, looking out over a vast landscape of hills and mountains, dreaming of one of those outcroppings rising from its earthly vice and marching off over the countryside. I'm sure it's a lot of things, too many role playing games or monster flicks at midnight as a kid, or an overactive imagination that begs for a pen and paper to release creative pressure. I could go on reasoning why, but all that really matters is that this story is a part of me and wen the creators make the creation from themselves your bound to get something beautiful. Written: Nichi Hawkins Pencils and Inks: Armando C. Rillo Sr Colors: Bolaji Olaloye Letters: Michael Neno Editor: Jenn Bass Cover: Jonny Hinkle and Raciel Avila Silva Video creator: Cody Jackson Click here to support this project. THE LAST HOPE
50 Years of Guarding the Universe An American Doujinshi by Matt Frank and Josh Bugosh In the year 1965, from the depths of an arctic glacier, awoken by an accidental atomic explosion, came crawling the Friend of all Children, the Guardian of the Universe, the Terrible Terrapin of Tokyo, GAMERA. Sweeping the Japanese box office, and quickly becoming an pop culture icon in his own right, Gamera captured the hearts of kaiju fans the world over, both young and old. After 12 feature films, Gamera’s 50th anniversary is upon us in the year 2015…and any rumors of a celebratory film were quickly silenced. As the months march on, it seems less and less likely that the mighty reptile will recieve his due, even as the kaiju genre enjoys a resurgeance in popularity. Ergo, kaiju artist Matt Frank, best known for his work on IDW Publishing’s various Godzilla comic series, has begun work on a standalone story, The Last Hope. Intended to be produced as a one-shot, self-published comic, The Last Hope is a purely fan-made, unauthorized celebration of the Gamera legacy. Frank has also partnered with the fresh talent of Josh Bugosh, an up-and-coming writer with Lobsterdance Productions, who will be penning the story, based on a concept by Frank. The Last Hope focuses on what may have transpired in the time before Gamera was known to the modern world - the great civilization that once thrived on Earth thanks to their alchemical command of Mana, the planet’s life energy. However, their decadence and complacency has given way to disaster, as monstrous serpents rise to wreak havoc on their world. To combat this threat, they create monsters of their own - winged beasts of war to wipe out their enemies. But will this savior give way to a new threat, one they cannot control? Will their hope lay in one last creation? Or will they fall to the shadow of evil? Crafted in the style of classic Japanese manga, and penned with the flair of an epic poem, The Last Hope is PLANNED TO BE available online in its entirety in mid-July. It is also PLANNED TO BE available in printed form exclusively at conventions attended by Frank and will not be for sale online. The printed version will contain much more material, however, including concept art and testimonials from the team. Everything here is subject to change, so stay tuned for more info! |
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