![]() For as long as there has been monsters fans have craved them battling one and other, some battles were bound to happen Godzilla battling Rodan or Mothra even having Varan or Baragon show up in the same film were almost forgone conclusions since they were all under the umbrella of Toho Studios. But it's the monsters from different studios/production companies that we we only dream would battle one and other. We got one such "dream" when Toho got rights to use King Kong in a film, and we were given the classic King Kong Vs. Godzilla in 1962. The film featured a Toho version of Kong (man in suit) that was either loved or hated by many cause the suit looked, in some sense, like it had been through the ringer and there was always the controversial ending of who really won. But most fans loved the fact we got to see the two famous monsters battle it out. ![]() Since then fans had hoped for more especially a Godzilla/Gamera crossover, it was believed Daiei (owners of Gamera) were on-board but not Toho and the crossover never happened. There were teases along the way a re-release for the 35th Anniversary of King Kong Vs. Godzilla on video had what looked like the '70's Kong along with Godzilla, the images of Godzilla were also newer versions. We have since only had updated versions of these monsters in there own universes that was till recently, Legendary Pictures has become the studio home, to some extant, of a number of monsters causing fans imagination to run wild. In 2013 they released Guillermo Del Toro's/Legendary Pictures Pacific Rim, a film featuring numerous kaiju as well as Jaegers (giant robots) that battled them. Then they released Gareth Edwards' Godzilla. Both films were green lighted for sequels. Then came word of a Kong film from the studio, Kong: Skull Island. Fans quickly started rumors of possible crossovers between the three but there was never any proof just rumors, that was till Del Toro stated in an interview how he would love to do a Pacific Rim/Godzilla crossover. The fact is there is a lot of roadblocks to trying to do any crossover between the three franchises despite being under the same studio. ![]() First is rights, Toho has been known to be very inflexible in allowing Godzilla to be used, it was actually a surprise that they allowed other classic monsters to be used by Legendary in the planned Godzilla sequels at all and not force them to come up with other original monsters like the Mutos, Kong is owned by Universal and the characters in Pacific Rim most likely by Legendary or Del Toro. The second issue is size, Godzilla is 350 ft tall, the largest Godzilla by far, while we are not sure exactly how big Kong will be rumor is the new film will be a sequel to the 2005 film in that Kong was 25 ft tall, meaning a considerable size difference. The characters of Pacific Rim are far closer to Godzilla's size, Gispy Danger the main Jaeger in the film is 260 ft tall and Slattern the only category 5 kaiju is 585 ft ((est) not sure if this is height or length), so there is some feasibility this could work. Third is story wise and how they could be brought together, the breach in Pacific Rim would be the perfect way to bring them together since the beings from it could be said to be from another world or dimension they could open a breach in the "Godzilla" universe that would explain their kaiju fighting Godzilla but it wouldn't really help explaining how the Jaegers could get there. With Kong if the timelines that have been talked about are correct using the 2005 film's timeline of the 1930's as starting point and the new film in taking place in the 1970's there is some possibility of it working since Godzilla was found in 1954 and kept in secret till he shows up to fight the Mutos. In all cases those who may make a crossover film would have there work cut out for them but as with any scifi/fantasy movie sometimes it's easier not to explain completely how things happen. As of now all the crossover talk is simple rumors and wishful thinking but weirder things have happened all we need to do is throw Gamera or maybe some Jurassic World dinos into the mix and we might be asking for real trouble or maybe not (wink). We here just are look forward to all the forthcoming kaiju films and we will be enjoying the ride as should all the fans and let the crossovers happen if they do.
What is Godmera's Fandom? It started out life as a blog , along with The Brightest Day and Kaiju Battle. It featured everything from comics, movies, scifi, and much more but unfortunately running three blogs was a difficult task and Godmera's Fandom was the odd man out so to speak. But now Godmera's Fandom is back as a part of The Brightest Day and Kaiju Battle, bringing a variety of "off topic" subjects and our take on them. Hope you enjoy our newest addition and thanks. Archives
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