We decided to give fans a list of the Titans of the Monsterverse (the biggest and most dangerous creatures), this is not meant to give every detail, at least not just yet, since we have vague details on many of them. But it will be expanded as we learn more, and with other creatures as well, and hopefully be a reference to fans, thanks. Godzilla An alpha predator from the Permian period (millions of years before the rise of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic era), Godzilla awakened to feed on American and Soviet nuclear submarines decades before the events of 2014’s Godzilla. After defeating the M.U.T.Os in that movie, Godzilla retreated from the ruins of San Francisco back into the ocean. In King of the Monsters he returns to take on Ghidorah. While retaining the same basic design as his 2014 appearance, Godzilla received a slight revamp for King of the Monsters, with his dorsal plates changing in shape. Rather than being jagged and straighter in design, the new design features more protrusions. The three large central dorsal plates running from mid-way down his back are the same shape as the original Godzilla's dorsal plates. The claws of his toes are also longer and curved. His skin is rougher in texture. The tip of his tail is also more rounded. In addition, his eye color also changes when he uses his atomic breath, becoming a bright blue, much like his attack. Mothra Queen of the monsters, Mothra is birthed in larval form early in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, but is soon revealed in all her winged, bioluminescent glory. Mothra’s larval state is much more insectoid in appearance compared to other incarnations and has a bluish-green coloration to it as opposed to the traditional brown and baby blue eyes. Her imago state possesses large wings with red, orange, yellow, and black coloration which give off a blue/orange glow with eye patterns akin to her Showa era, Heisei era, and Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. designs. She also possesses raptorial front and mid-legs and toed hind-legs akin to the male MUTO. Her wings are much narrower than most incarnations. She sports a stockier head than most other interpretations but retains the classic blue eyes. Her abdomen is shaped like a wasp's, much like her 2001 portrayal. Her body still retains her classic white fur though her mouth is vertical as opposed to the usual horizontal position. Rodan Rodan's original name, 'Radon', is based on 'Pteranodon'. The spelling of Radon in Japanese also corresponds to the name of Ladon, the dragon-like monster represented in Greek Mythology. This incarnation of Rodan has a larger wingspan compared to any of his interpretations, with a fiery glow coating the bottom edge. His physique and general appearance bear a strong resemblance to a bird of prey, with dark-red skin, a v-split crest with the ends curling inward. He lacks teeth, much like the Showa and Millenium incarnations, though his beak has a serrated look to it, giving the illusion of teeth. He retains the spade-shaped tail from his 1956, Showa, and 2004 incarnations. His eyes are yellow and rather cat-like. He still retains spikes on his chest, though, compared to other incarnations, they are smaller and less defined. King Ghidorah Originally dubbed Monster Zero, King Ghidorah is the ultimate nemesis to Godzilla, and mankind, in King of the Monsters. Unlike the other Titans, Ghidorah’s origins may be off-world, similar to his extraterrestrial roots in the Toho Godzilla movies. Ghidorah's name is likely based on Zmey Gorynych from the 1956 Soviet film Ilya Muromets, the inspiration source of the monster and was called King Dragon in Japan. "Ghidorah" is likely based on a direct translation of the pronunciation of Hydra in the Russian language. Like most of his past incarnations, Ghidorah is larger than Godzilla, and each of his neck has a row of spines going down but the middle neck has two rows of spines while the left and right necks have one. The middle head's horns are notably straighter and longer than those of its peripheral heads. Ghidorah's wings are also much larger and more bat-like in appearance than most incarnations, and they can also act as forelimbs to support his massive body. Each of his heads has a crown of horns similar to the Heisei incarnation, but each horn is longer and more curved. The horns also tend to flare depending on Ghidorah's current mood. Ghidorah still has his traditional twin tails with spiked bludgeons at their tips that can rattle as an intimidation display. His legs are digitigrade with avian-like feet, similar to the 2001 incarnation. Ghidorah's eyes are fiery red which seem to glow yellow whenever he charges up and fires his gravity beams, and his tongues are forked, similar to a snake's. MUTO (New eight-legged MUTO, Eight-legged female MUTO (Godzilla 2014), Winged male MUTO Godzilla fought a male and female couple of M.U.T.Os, or “Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms,” in the 2014 Godzilla, footage from which is seen in Godzilla: King of the Monsters. A third M.U.T.O (another female, the larger of the species) pops up in King of the Monsters, awakened by Ghidorah, it looks slightly different in appearance to the previous MUTO, the other female MUTO. This MUTO has three fin-like structures running down her back, as well as leg joints that all end in a noticeable point. Unlike her deceased kin, her exoskeleton is more of a gray color instead of black. It is possible that she is another species of MUTO not yet seen before. MUTO Prime The MUTO Prime is nearly identical in appearance to a regular female MUTO, except for several notable differences. The MUTO Prime has a hardened outer shell with razor sharp back spires on it, large orange-glowing forelimbs, as well as several smaller pairs of forelimbs on her chest. Dagon Dagon is seemingly named after the Canaanite fertility and agricultural god commonly thought to be an ocean god thanks to being featured in H.P. Lovecraft's works. Being apart of the same species, Dagon had many of the traits of Godzilla himself. This includes jagged dorsal plates, dark coarse skin, yellow eyes, gills, wide feet, a robust head, and short forearms. Dagon encountered and fought with the parasitic MUTO Prime. After a brief fight, Dagon was beaten to the brink of death by MUTO Prime, who then proceeded to implant her eggs into Dagon's stomach lining. The eggs would go on to feed off of Dagon's nuclear-rich blood while he still lived, which eventually killed him. It is his skeleton seen in Godzilla 2014 in the Philippine mine. Margygr Margygr is an aquatic scaly reptilian Titan (similarly to Godzilla), about the size of a whale. She has a flat face with her nostrils above her human-like eyes, like some aquatic mammals, and her skull protrudes backwards, shielding her neck. In death, Margygr appears burnt, with her skeleton showing, and a jagged rift runs from her neck to her abdomen. Shinomura Shinomura are massive, winged, dragon-like monsters with blue scales and black wings. They also resemble scorpions and have multiple eyes. Shinomura's gigantic super-colony cells are black and blue and resemble starfish. Shinomura was originally assigned the placeholder name "MUTO" by Monarch, but is later named "Shinomura" by Ishiro Serizawa's father. Shinomura's name is derived from the Japanese term "shi no mure," (死の群れ) literally meaning "swarm of death." Shinomura is a superorganism composed of countless smaller organisms which join together into a single body. Due to this structure, Shinomura can split apart into multiple bodies and recombine later. It can also change its shape to form spiked tentacles which it uses to capture prey or attack Godzilla. Kong Honoring the original design, Industrial Light & Magic developed the 2017 design by giving Kong orange-brown fur, a small crown, a huge brow, an exaggerated muzzle, and animators gave Kong a wide-eyed roar. This Kong was designed to be 104 ft. tall was to give him weight and a grandiose quality that would evoke the idea of a human speck in the shadow of the colossus. Another big part of the design was instilling a sense of divisiveness in the audience, where some see Kong as a threat, others a savior, and some a God. Skullcrawlers Skullcrawlers are large reptilian creatures with only two long forelimbs and no hindlimbs, as well as long, prehensile, serpentine tails. They have long and slender, yet muscular, sturdy bodies. Several aspects of their appearance are noticeably skeletal, particularly their torsos and their heads. What appear to be the "eye sockets" of their skull-like heads are merely empty fenestrae presumably it evolved that way in order to protect its eyes from enemies: their real eyes are set much further back, with the fenestrae perhaps serving to distract enemies from their more vulnerable eyes and acting as heat-seeking sensory pits. The colors of their scales range from dark brown to dark green to a bone white color. Their heads closely resemble those of Mosasaurs such as Tylosaurus, and their jaws possess two rows of serrated, razor-sharp teeth. The Skullcrawlers have four digits in total of each hand, with the thumb being the smallest digit and the rest of the digits being larger and of the same size, and the adults have a prominent bony spike protrudes out of each of their elbows. The thorny, toothlike structures of their inner mouths somewhat resemble that of a leatherback turtle's. Additionally, they have long, prehensile triple-forked tongues that they can use to grab their prey. Sker Buffalo Sker Buffaloes greatly resemble abnormally large water buffaloes but with several differences. They possess incredibly large horns that have forked into at least three branches. The Sker Buffaloes also have algae covering much of their bodies, probably due to their habit of being submerged underwater. Their backs possess a large amount of foliage, allowing for proper camouflage. Mire Squid The Mire Squid seemingly gets its name from its environment, as "Mire" refers to a stretch of swampy or boggy ground, the same areas they tend to inhabit. Mire Squids resemble a colossal cross between squids and octopus with a head resembling a octopus and eight long arms. Mire Squids are ambush predators that lurk in the waters of Skull Island for unsuspecting prey. Spore Mantis Spore Mantises resemble a stick-insect, albeit one so big it instead mimics a fallen log. They have six wood-shaped legs and bark-like skin covering their bodies, and their head is small and retractable into the log-like covering. Mother Longlegs Mother Longlegs are gigantic spider-like creatures that stand around 5 to 7 meters tall. They possess incredibly long legs that resemble bamboo stalks, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with the surrounding forests, with their legs posing as plants and their upper bodies held high above the canopy. The top half of the Mother Longlegs are covered in leafs with 8 red eyes. In addition to their eight legs, Mother Longlegs possess two additional limbs located closer to their heads, which are equipped with pincer-like claws. A giant Mother Longlegs is also seen in Issue #4 of Skull Island: The Birth of Kong. It is far larger than the average Mother Longlegs, and can even compete in size to creatures such as the Mire Squids, Skullcrawlers, and Kong himself. Its head is more rigid, and unlike its smaller counterparts, it has fur instead of leaves growing out of the top of its head and abdomen. Methuselah
Methuselah is named after the biblical figure of the same name (מְתוּשֶׁלַח Məṯûšelaḥ or מְתוּשָׁלַח Məṯûšālaḥ), who is associated with longevity due to the Bible claiming that he lived to be 969 years old. Very little is seen of Methuselah onscreen. The creature appears to be quadrupedal, with a mammalian face possessing horns like a bull's. His eyes lack visible pupils and are glossy and clouded-over. Methuselah's most noticeable physical trait is the gigantic mountain he carries on his back. Methuselah was discovered by Monarch near Munich, Germany, and Outpost 67 was constructed around him. Other details about the creature's origins are unclear. Scylla Scylla is named after the sea monster of the same name (Σκύλλα Skylla) from Greek mythology. Scylla is a black giant arachnid-like Titan, with six very long, bony, and lightly haired legs, each with two joints and ending with a claw. These legs are strong enough to tear through solid rock, and small spikes grow out of the first joint. Scylla's head is also surrounded by several squid-like tentacles, and unlike most spiders, she only has two eyes. Her anatomy is that of a squid and not of a spider, allowing her to survive and thrive underwater. Scylla was discovered by Monarch in the Arizona desert, and Outpost 55 was constructed around her. Other details about the creature's origins are unclear. Behemoth Behemoth is named after a beast mentioned in the Bible (בהמות Behemot), which is interpreted often as either referring to a mythical creature or a large animal such as an elephant or rhinoceros. Behemoth is a mammalian creature resembling a gigantic sloth. He knuckle-walks like an ape using his long and muscular forelimbs which are larger than his hind legs. Behemoth's most notable trait are his colossal mammoth-like tusks which jut downward from his cheeks. Behemoth is covered in light brown fur, and appears to have greenish vines or algae growing on his otherwise gray tusks. Behemoth possesses a row of bumpy triangular spikes running along his back. Behemoth is very tall and appears to nearly match Godzilla himself in physical stature. Behemoth was discovered by Monarch in Brazil, and an outpost was constructed around him. Other details about the creature's origins are unclear. Baphomet Baphomet was a goat-headed demonic entity worshiped by a cult and associated with the Knights Templar. It is unknown if Titanus Baphomet was this worshiped entity or if it is merely named after Baphomet for another reason. (Not seen) Typhon Typhon may be referring to Typhon, a monstrous and powerful male serpentine giant in Greek mythology and the father of Scylla. (Not seen) Abaddon "Abaddon" is a Biblical Fallen Angel, sometimes the Angel of Death and sometimes the Angel of Destruction. He is notably mentioned to have had an army of locusts. It is unknown whether Titanus Abaddon has any connection to the angel, or whether it's just a codename. (Not seen) Leviathan The Leviathan likely refers to the Biblical use, in which the Leviathan is a giant sea creature created by God, usually described as a serpentine crocodile or a whale. This creature is the counterpart to the Behemoth. Leviathan's name may also refer to the definitions of leviathan, either a large aquatic creature or a thing that is very large or powerful. Leviathan was found in Loch Ness by Monarch, and an outpost was built around it. (Not seen) Sargon Titanus Sargon's name may refer to the Sargon genus of beetle, possibly meaning that Sargon is beetle-like. (Not seen) Bunyip The "bunyip" is a large Australian cryptid found in shallow water, similar to a hippopotamus. It is unknown whether bunyip sightings are really Titanus Bunyip, or if Titanus Bunyip was given its name by Monarch for a different and unknown reason. (Not seen) Mokele-Mbembe In the novelization, Mokele-Mbembe is described as a grey quadruped with a pebbled reptilian back, with a head resembling an earless elephant, although the tusks point down instead of up. His forelimbs are large and five-clawed, and his rear limbs are slightly smaller, while his tail is twice as long as the rest of his body. His mouth opens like a crocodile's to reveal sharp teeth. (Not seen) Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl's name comes from a feathered serpent deity from Aztec mythology. (Not seen) Tiamat No info. (Not seen) Kraken The "Kraken" is a giant squid cryptid. antagonistic towards sea vessels, similarly to Kraken himself. However, "Kraken" is just a nickname for the undesignated Titan, and it is unknown if he is the actual Kraken legend. Kraken greatly resembles an octopus or a squid, but with a massive brain protected by a cone of shell. Note: Several (above) are named for destructive gods, archangels and demonic deities. Two—Mokele-Mbembe and Bunyip—are named for undiscovered “cryptids,” sometimes sought by real-world monster hunters. Mokele-Mbembe is an apatosaurus-like creature reported by early 20th century European big game hunters to be living deep in swamps and at the mouths of rivers in central Africa. The bunyip comes from Australian Aboriginal mythology and is a dreaded creature that lurks in wait beneath the surface of ponds and rivers.
Skullcrawlers, also known as Cranium Reptant, are giant reptilian Kaiju that appeared in the 2017 MonsterVerse film, Kong: Skull Island. Height : 3.65-28.95 meters Length : 10-59 meters Mass : 40-100 tons Name Skullcrawlers got their name from their skull-like heads and their crawling locomotions. Their true name is known but unspoken by the natives, and the name "Skullcrawler" was invented by Marlow as he explained their history to Weaver and Conrad. Appearance/Design Skullcrawlers are large reptilian creatures with only two long forelimbs and no hindlimbs, as well as long, prehensile, serpentine tails. They have long and slender, yet muscular, sturdy bodies. Several aspects of their appearance are noticeably skeletal, particularly their torsos and their heads. What appear to be the "eye sockets" of their skull-like heads are merely empty fenestrae: their real eyes are set much further back, with the fenestrae perhaps serving to distract enemies from their more vulnerable eyes and acting as heat-seeking sensory pits. The colors of their scales range from dark brown to dark green to a bone white color. Their heads closely resemble those of Mosasaurs such as Tylosaurus, and their jaws possess two rows of serrated, razor-sharp teeth. The Skullcrawlers have four digits in total of each hand, with the thumb being the smallest digit and the rest of the digits being larger and of the same size, and a prominent bony spike protrudes out of each of their elbows. The thorny, toothlike structures of their inner mouths somewhat resemble that of a leatherback turtle's. Additionally, they have long, prehensile triple-forked tongues that they can use to grab their prey. Skullcrawler adolescents are easily distinguishable from adult skullcrawlers. Their heads are smaller, and more sloped than an adult. They also possess a more prominently brown skin tone. Adult skullcrawlers are larger, with most being as big as Kong. Their heads are more defined, larger, and somewhat angled. The Skullcrawlers were designed to act as the "fallen angels" of Kong's kingdom and represent the darker, bleaker aspects of Skull Island. Roar The roar of the Skullcrawler is very high in tone, possessing a raspy quality with a hiss and growl mixed in between. According to supervisor sound designer/editor Al Nelson, the Skullcrawler roar was inspired by the pained squeal of a dying rabbit as well as the sounds of sea lions and squirrels. Some of its sounds were recycled from an Indominus rex from the 2015 film, Jurassic World. Personality Skullcrawlers are subterranean pack-hunting predators with insatiable appetites that are the results of their heightened metabolisms. They are highly aggressive, as well as incredibly persistent in pursuing their prey. They do however show some degree of intelligence, shown when the largest of the Skullcrawlers refuses to devour a grenade-armed Cole and simply swats him away. Adolescent Skullcrawlers appear to be naturally fearless, as two of them teamed up to attack Kong despite being smaller and out-muscled. The largest of the Skullcrawlers appeared to be more intelligent than the rest of his kind. This was seen when he appeared only once Kong was subdued by Preston Packard. It also seems to have a hint of sadism as he licks Kong's face maliciously after he's been tangled up in a shipwreck's rudder chain during their battle. This large Skullcrawler was also shown to have a deep desire of killing and eating humans, which was shown several times when he diverted his attention from Kong to James Conrad and Mason Weaver, implying that he acts not only from primal instinct but some degree of malice and cruelty. This could also hint that the skullcrawlers are innately malevolent. Origins Little is known about the origins of this voracious predator, although its evolutionary purpose is abundantly clear. The Skullcrawler exists to devour, destroy, and dominate. Subterranean in nature, burrowing up through the geologically unstable steam vents across Skull Island, it is as though the Skullcrawler climbed up out of Hell itself. This terrifying serpentine is a hypervore: a creature with such a hyper-adrenalized metabolism that it exists in a constant state of starvation. Just as a shark must keep swimming to survive, the Skullcrawler must keep feeding, dislocating its own jawbone so to maximize its ability to swallow anything that crosses its path. And within that gaping maw exists a long, whiplash tongue, which the creature uses to ensnare and constrict its prey. Its olfactory system can sense hot-blooded life across huge distances. Once it has picked up your scent, the blood in your veins is like blood in the water! Perhaps most striking is the beast's fearful visage. A chilling, lidless skull-face peers out through translucent flesh, as two dark and lifeless eye sockets regard their prey with cold, unflinching malice. The patterning of its facial features may be indicative of deimatic behavior designed to threaten and terrify its prey. Given the unreachable depths of their subterranean nesting grounds, we have no way of knowing how big these things get, or the pecking order that governs their tribal feeding patterns. The more we learn about the cultural history of Skull Island from the indigenous petroglyphs we have discovered, the clearer it becomes that the evolution of the Skullcrawlers has long been interwoven with Kong and his fallen ancestors. If Kong is god of Skull Island, then here comes the Devil! History Kong: Skull Island A Skullcrawler was first seen feasting on a dead Sker Buffalo by Kong. Kong was about to confront the creature when he was ambushed by a second one from behind. After a quick battle, Kong ends up subduing and killing both Skullcrawlers by stuffing one's head into the ground, breaking its neck, and smashing the other's skull with a devastating stomp. Another Skullcrawler ambushed Jack Chapman and a Spore Mantis, but went for Chapman and ate him alive while the Spore Mantis managed to escape. The same Skullcrawler then showed up in the boneyard and vomited Chapman's remains. When William Randa attempted to make his camera work, he was devoured by the Skullcrawler, who then tried to attack the group. Randa's camera started to flash inside the predator, which started to aggravate the monster. The Skullcrawler then started chasing Weaver but the group retaliated using flamethrowers. The creature batted a crew member with its tail onto one of the Kong skulls, causing his backpack to detonate several canisters of toxic gas. The Skullcrawler started to grow relentless, and disturbed a flock of resting Leafwings, which then turned their attention to attacking the group. Conrad managed to kill some of the flying creatures using Hank Marlow's katana. The Skullcrawler then set its eyes on Conrad and Reg Slivko, but Weaver rescued them by tossing Conrad's lighter at one of the subterranean vents, creating an explosion that killed the Skullcrawler on the spot. The largest of all the Skullcrawlers was awakened due to seismic explosives dropped onto Skull Island along with the rest of his kind, and after Kong was incapacitated by Packard, he let his presence be known by emerging out from the water. Then he attacked the weakened Kong, quickly rendering the ape unconscious before turning his attention to the humans. As he chased Conrad and the other survivors of the research expedition sent to Skull Island, Earl Cole tried to sacrifice himself along with the beast by arming several grenades before having the massive creature try to eat him. However, the monster didn't fall for it, and batted him against a mountainside as the grenades went off, killing him. As the large Skullcrawler finally reached the rest of the crew in a marsh, Kong appeared in time to stun it with a large boulder, enabling the crew to run to safety. The Skullcrawler then returned his focus to Kong, pouncing on him and gripping his throat with his jaws. Kong and the Skullcrawler continued to brutally wrestle, pummel, and bite each other until the Skullcrawler threw Kong into a shipwreck with his tail, where the ape became entangled in the chains. With Kong subdued in the wreck, the Skullcrawler was about to kill him when he's fired upon by Conrad and his companions. It then returned his focus to the humans and approached them, giving Kong the chance to free himself from the chains. As he approached the crew once more, the monster's right eye was destroyed by a flare fired by Weaver, and Conrad lured him away from the crew on their boat. This allowed Kong to use and swing the propeller of a wrecked ship at his adversary like a medieval flail, which caught the beast in the shoulder and allowed Kong to pull the the Skullcrawler back toward him and resume their fight. Kong continued to wrestle the creature and threw him into the side of a cliff, causing Weaver to fall into the water below. As the Skullcrawler continued to attack Kong, the ape uppercut him with the ship's propeller, slicing the monster's throat wide open and seemingly killing him. As Kong saved Weaver from drowning, the Skullcrawler pounced at Kong once more. After coiling his tail around Kong, he wrapped his tongue around the ape's arm, pulling it down his gullet in an attempt to devour Weaver as she's clutched in Kong's hand. After a brief struggle, Kong tore out the creature's internal organs through his mouth, killing him instantly. Skull Island: The Birth of Kong The Skullcrawlers' history on Skull Island is revealed in Riccio's visions. Riccio says that the Skullcrawlers attempted to invade Skull Island and waged war against Kong's ancestors. When the Iwi first arrived on Skull Island, the Skullcrawlers had wiped out all but the two strongest apes, which turned out to be Kong's parents. After the 1973 Monarch expedition, Skullcrawlers still inhabit Skull Island, but their population is controlled by Kong and none of them have grown to the size of the largest Skullcrawler. In another vision, Riccio explained that the Skullcrawlers continued their fight against Kong's parents. One day, the Skullcrawlers attempted to kill Kong's mother while she was in labor but Kong's father kept them at bay. After Kong was born, his mother hid him in a cave and sealed it with rocks before she rushed to aid her mate. Kong then watched as the Skullcrawlers slaughtered his parents. Abilities Agility and speed Skullcrawlers can run very quickly despite having only two legs, and their speed matches or surpasses that of an adult human. They can also make quick turns as well. Burrowing Being subterranean in nature, Skullcrawlers are capable of using their limbs to burrow deep into the earth. Durability and stamina Skullcrawlers are very durable, as they can withstand bullets from rifles and the searing heat of a flamethrower. The largest of the Skullcrawlers was only dazed when Kong slammed his head with a boulder or smashed his face with a tree branch. They have incredible stamina, being able to stay in a full-fledged fight for several minutes even whilst being incredibly injured. Hunting Skullcrawlers are both solitary and pack hunters. One can kill a Sker Buffalo on its own, and they can cooperate to take down more powerful creatures such as Kong. Olfactory system Much like snakes, the Skullcrawlers' olfactory system allow them to sense hot-blooded lifeforms from miles away. Prehensile tail and tongue Skullcrawlers have prehensile tongues that they use to grab and quickly devour small prey, or for gripping large prey in combat. The tail is heavily muscled and extremely powerful, shown when a Skullcrawler lifted and flung Kong like a football across the marsh with his tail. As stated before, the tail is also for wrapping around large prey, possibly to latch onto them for balance or to constrict them. Strength As the apex predators of Skull Island, Skullcrawlers are fearsome and deadly in battle, using their jaws full of razor-sharp teeth as their primary weapons. They can hold their own against opponents like Kong, able to withstand the blows and pummeling of the ape. Their serpent-like tails are used for swatting or for wrapping around an opponent during combat. Weaknesses Heightened metabolism Skullcrawlers possess accelerated metabolism, which causes them to live in constant starvation. This is shown when the largest Skullcrawler ravenously tried to eat Weaver, and refused to let go of Kong's arm. Kong then turned his insatiable appetite against him, tearing out his tongue and other attached organs. Locomotion Having only two limbs to walk on, their stance is rather unstable and can easily be toppled. Tongue It is shown that Kong can easily eviscerate Skullcrawlers by yanking out their tongues, which are connected to their internal organs. Vulnerable eyes The eyes of a Skullcrawler are one of its only weak points, as seen when Weaver destroys one of the larger Skullcrawler's eyes with a flare gun. It is likely that the large eye-like sockets on the front of their faces serve as distractions from their real eyes which are set further back. They may also serve a function as heat-seeking pits. Trivia
Gfantis is a fictional kaiju created by Daikaiju Enterprise, the independent publisher of the fanzine G-Fan, and also acts as the official mascot monster of their yearly G-Fest conventions. Original fiction staring Gfantis are regularly featured in G-Fan as well. Gfantis has taken on a variety of opponents around the globe and is currently the subject of intense observation and study. Name Gfantis was scientifically named “Gigantosaurus fantasticus” by professor Hank Taupier. Though the name can properly be abbreviated to G. fantasticus, reporter Sly Lyson further contracted it to Gfantis, and the name stuck. Origin Gfantis was “born” in the explosion of an experimental solar power plant on the south seas island of Kalihama, but his origin lies shrouded in confusion to this day. Though he resembles a dinosaur, he is unlike any presently-known species, and possesses some mammalian traits. Abilities
Able to burrow underground. Solar radiation beam from crescent horn, oral heat ray, derives and replenishes power from solar energy, which can withstand high temperatures (can move through magma). An effective grappler, Gfantis can use his long tail as a whip. Is bipedal and quadrupedal as well. Gfantis has taken on a variety of opponents around the globe and is currently the subject of intense observation and study. ![]() Dogora (ドゴラ) is a gaseous jellyfish-like alien kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in the 1964 film, Dogora. History Dogora Dogora first appeared in space, feeding on radiation. It destroyed a television satellite, causing it to mutate. It came to Earth and began eating diamonds and other jewels. A professor created a synthetic diamond, and Dogora was attracted to it. It melted the safe doors and ate the diamonds. It attacked a coal plant, and it was discovered that it feeds on carbon. Defense forces detected Dogora, but it was a swarm of bees. The bees flew into a cloud, and dozens of multiple-colored rocks fell out. Dogora was detected again as he attacked Fukuoka. He began to feed on coal and diamonds, but was confronted by the J.S.D.F., where he was blown to bits by missiles, but not before hurling a bridge at the humans in an attempt to ward them off. The pieces of Dogora regrew into their own cells, and attacked again. It was discovered that Dogora was weak to wasp and bee venom, as it's cells turn hard from it. Helicopters released venom on top of the Dogoras, causing them to harden and die. Godzilla Island This kid-friendly Japanese TV show was known for its use of plush toys and action figures of famous kaiju to in the portraying of the exploits of Toho's famous kaiju universe. Dogora makes an appearance on one episode being an evil spawn of the Xiliens. ![]() Abilities Dogora can fly, even when carrying objects of extreme mass. Dogora has tentacles which it can use to attack or grasp objects, which it can then use to attack. Dogora's body has a corrosive effect. Dogora is able to work like a vacuum and suck up needed minerals if their body is divided. Each piece of Dogora will take on a life of its own and can grow into a mature Dogora. Weakness Bee and wasp venom is lethal to the Dogora and will cause their bodies to solidify. Trivia Dogora's roar was reused for Ultraman's 4th dimensional enemy, Bullton. For scenes of it in its full form, the Dogora prop was placed in a small vat of water and puppeteered by people holding wires. This gave it the impression of it floating like an airborne squid. The film is unusual for Toho's giant monster series in that the creature is non-anthropomorphic and not presented by an actor in a costume. There were originally plans to feature Robert Dunham in a series of films based on the "Mark Jackson" character he played in this film. However, those plans never came to fruition. Film Dogara, the Space Monster, released in Japan as Uchū Daikaijū Dogora (宇宙大怪獣ドゴラ, lit. "Giant Space Monster Dogora"), is a 1964 Japanese tokusatsu science fiction film produced and released by Toho Studios. Directed by Ishirō Honda and featuring special effects by Eiji Tsuburaya, the film starred Nobuo Nakamura, Akiko Wakabayashi, and Hollywood actor Robert Dunham. The film tells the story of a huge jellyfish-like creature from space that attacks Japan. The film was released straight to television in the United States, in the Winter of 1966 by American International Television as Dagora, the Space Monster. ![]() Plot When several TV satellites launched by the Electric Wave Laboratory go missing above Japan in Earth's orbit, it is found out that they have inadvertently collided with unidentified protoplasmic "space cells" of unknown origin. A similar creature suddenly thwarted the efforts of a local branch of the International Diamond Robbery Ring. The diamonds they sought vanished, and similar unexplained events continued to occur across the globe. Meanwhile, Inspector Komai's (Yosuke Natsuki) investigation of these strange events led him to the crystallographer Dr. Munakata (Nobuo Nakamura). In the process of tracking down the self proclaimed diamond broker Mark Jackson (Robert Dunham). He finds him in Dr. Munakata's home but knocks him out and escapes from Komai. He is then picked up by the gangsters for questioning. Komai wakes up and is greeted by Dr. Munakata and his lab assistant Masayo Kirino (Yoko Fujiyama). He tells them about the case he is working on and shows them pictures of the melted safe the gangsters were at that night. Komai then learns that the diamonds the Mark stole were synthetic and worth nothing. The gangsters bring Mark Jackson to there boss and find a bang containing the stolen diamonds. However they too find out that they are fake and keep him as a prisoner but out wits them and escapes. The gangsters are then given word of a shipment of raw diamonds will arrive in Yokohama. Meanwhile, Inspector Komai escorts Masayo to her home. Along the way they meet Kirino (Hiroshi Koizumi), Masayo's brother who works at the Electric Wave Laboratory. They witness a strange invisible force suck up coal into the sky from a nearby the factory as well as flaming sparks from the clouds. They meet back with Dr Munakata who tells them that the flaming sparks might be from some form of carbon. ![]() Later, the professional thieves took advantage of this ripe opportunity and attempted a heist on an armored car carrying the raw diamonds. But a nearby coal truck passing by is lift off the ground by some unknown force and disappear into the atmosphere and is dropped back down to the ground. Unfortunately for them, they were fooled and escaped with nothing but candy. The police came to learn of the mysterious events of the armored car heist. Inspector Komai tells them of the possibility of a creature that caused the coal truck to list up in the air, but no one believes him. He is then called by Masayo a that Mark Jackson is at Dr. Munakata's house. Komai and the police surround the house to catch him. But he revels himself that he is an investigator dispatched from the World Diamond Insurgence association to find out what has been steeling diamonds world wide. Just then Masayo's brother comes in and tells them that the identity of the monster was reports from the Space Planning Committee at the U.N. that the monster is a space cell that's been mutated by massive amounts of radiation from the satellites. Suddenly, Dogora appears and eats it's way though Dr. Muanakata's safe to eat the diamonds inside. The creature from outer space is deemed to be the culprit, an alien beast that draws its energy from carbon based minerals. Dr. Munakata, confident in a remarkable scientific discovery, left for the coal mines near northern Kyushu, where it was proposed that the strange being would make its next appearance. Mark Jackson also took leave for Kyushu, as the realization was finally made that the candy recovered at the heist was likely his doing. It was probable that he had, in truth, absconded with the true gems. Hamako (Akiko Wakabayashi), one of the gangsters responsible for the failed heist, prepared to double-cross her comrades and retrieve the diamonds for herself. As Dr. Munakata arrived at Dogora's next likely target, unidentified objects began to show on radar. A swarm of wasps was attacking Dogora in retaliation for the disturbance of their hives in the mines, and as they attacked, solid crystal sections of the monster began to fall to the city below. Over Dokaiwan Bay, as night fell, evacuation orders were put into effect as the jellyfish-like monster began to descend from the sky. The self-defense force fired, to no avail. The monster continued to absorb carbon-based materials wherever they could be located, and the abomination even destroyed the Wakato Bridge in the process. The military continued to unleash their artillery at the alien creature, and succeeded in momentarily silencing their foe. Unfortunately, the creature was only undergoing mitosis. It is later found out that when Dogora is stung by the wasps, the venom causes a chemical reaction that crystlises the space cell. Analysis of the crystallizing effects of the wasp venom on Dogora at the Medical Substance Laboratory proves successful, and mass production was soon ordered all around the world for the creation of a similar toxin. The gangsters, still desperate for a successful heist, tracked Mark Jackson and Inspector Komai and almost immediately jumped to the conclusion that Mark had hidden the real diamonds in a safe-deposit box. Hamako left to retrieve the stash, but instead fled solo with the stolen goods. The thieves left Jackson and Komai tied and doomed to death-by-dynamite, but the two men joined forces and only barely managed to escape. Meanwhile, Dogora attacked once again, but this time, powerful artificial wasp venom quickly ate away at the creature. The robbers and the police clashed at the beach, and in the heat of a vicious gunfight, the gang was completely wiped out by a falling crystal boulder, once a section of Dogora's extra-terrestrial flesh. The wasp venom finally took full effect, and Dogora was no more. It was soon discovered that the diamonds Hamako had retrieved from the safe-deposit box were, in fact, synthetic. As this truth came to light, Dr. Munakata and his secretary left for the UN to discuss the peaceful potential of the Dogora incident with the world. Info from Wikipedia and Wikia.
![]() Onibaba is a Category II Kaiju. Biology Bearing a striking resemblance to a crustacean and a Japanese temple, Onibaba appears somewhat smaller than the rest of the Kaiju in height, but larger in terms of width. This Kaiju possesses four large legs, along with two thick claws. Onibaba's claws are said to able to crush over 50,000 pounds per square inch. Two small, arm-like appendages reside in the Kaiju's thorax. Onibaba also possesses a high crest above a large, symmetrical head that can withstand close range and energy based attacks. Onibaba is not openly hostile; despite the damage it caused the general area of Tokyo, it actively avoids combat with an enemy unless provoked. Even then, its attacks are primarily defensive and not offensive. History Onibaba's attack on the Japanese capital city of Tokyo was dubbed the "Onibaba Incident". The beast lays waste to the city, killing millions of people. In the midst of destroying the city, it notices a terrified little girl wandering the streets crying for her parents: Mako Mori. The Kaiju relentlessly chases and corners her, but is interrupted by the arrival of Coyote Tango. Piloted by Stacker Pentecost and Tamsin Sevier, the Jaeger is deployed to the city to aid the military in luring Onibaba into a more isolated area in order to prevent further casualties. During the battle, Onibaba is able to inflict damage to Coyote Tango's head. Tamsin Sevier blacks out from a seizure, forcing Stacker Pentecost to undertake the dangerous task of piloting the Jaeger alone. He succeeds in doing so and kills Onibaba, saving Mori. Trivia "Onibaba" means "demon hag" or "Ogre Grandma" in Japanese. Kaiju Specifications Height: 188 ft (57.3m) Weight: 2,040 tons Gomora (ゴモラ Gomora) is an ancient kaiju species from Earth. They are immensely powerful, being the first kaiju able fight an ultra to a draw. While Gomora is supposedly portrayed as a hostile Kaiju, starting with the emergence of Rei's Gomora, most later incarnations of him are portrayed as comrades to respective protagonists of the series. ![]() History Ultraman Discovery And Capture Professor Nakatani, aided by SSSP member Arashi (acting as his guard), goes on a scientific expedition to the Johnson Islands. They discover that the legendary kaiju Gomora is still alive, and Nakatani decides to bring the still-living kaiju to a museum for the World's Fair. The SSSP agrees to do this task, despite the utter illogic and danger of bringing a living kaiju to a largely populated city. Before the kaiju attacks them, Arashi tranquilizes the kaiju with the UNG Dart, and the Patrol airlifts the kaiju via nets with the Jet VTOL. However, the kaiju awakes an hour early due to atmospheric changes between the island and the mainland and struggles to the point where the VTOL's have to release the nets, thus causing the kaiju to fall two kilometers to the ground. The Prince of Monsters: Part 1 Escape From Ultraman Enraged, Gomora goes on a rampage on Mount Rokkô (where he landed), and Ultraman, who comes to the rescue, is unable to stop the kaiju, and is beaten, much to everyone's shock. Even worse, somehow in the fight, the Beta Capsule is knocked free from wherever its stored in Ultraman and its retrieved by a kid nicknamed the Monster Prince due to his fascination with kaiju.The Prince of Monsters: Part 1 Rematch And Defeat When Gomora continues his rampage, Hayata of the SSSP uses the powerful Mars 133 gun, invented by Ito (Ide) to counter the second appearance of the Baltans, and succeeds in severing his tail. But the kaiju burrows under the ground in retreat, and later appears at Osaka Castle. The Patrol is ordered to save the castle at any cost, however Gomora smashes the castle. As the kaiju pursues Ide and Arashi, the child returns the Beta Capsule to Hayata. Hayata tells the kid to run and hide then uses the Beta Capsule to transform back into Ultraman. Ultraman saves the day by breaking the Kaiju's nasal horn and left crest and blasting him in the forehead with the Specium Ray. Hayata rewards the Monster Prince by giving him his communicator-insignia and tells him to study hard and not obsess over kaiju. Trivia Gomora was the first kaiju to defeat Ultraman (until their second battle which Ultraman won.) Gomora is also the second kaiju Ultraman had to fight twice, the first being Red King who Ultraman had fought just an episode prier. Gomora's roar is a combination of Gaira's roar (from War of the Gargantuas) and an elephant trumpet. Gomora's suit would later be modified to create the kaiju, Zaragas. Originally, Gomora and Red King were to be revived by Geronimon , but due to their suits being in overused condition, were replaced by Telesdon and Dorako. This fact is left in the English dub when the SSSP mistook the revived kaiju for Red King and Gomora. Gomora's original design was to have a second head crest pointing down. This design was used instead for Gomora Ⅱ in Ultraman 80. Gomora's designs would eventually inspires Greymon, a Digimon from the Digimon franchise, with the reference can be seen on his durable cranial skin, mimicking said Kaiju's horn. In episode 25 of Ultraman Taro, Gomora was seen in a animated flashback as part of the Monster Army lead by Alien Empera. ![]() Data The original Gomora was a simple land kaiju and lacked most of the powers that other kaiju kept. When a Gomora was made of minus energy, it gained a majority of powers, and a Battle Nizer Gomora, as all Battle Nizer kaiju do, gains a variety of energy based attacks. The original Gomora lacks any supernatural powers but has extraordinary strength that can rival even an Ultra. A Battle Nizer Gomora seems to be much stronger than a natural one, and is able to use energy attacks. Stats Height: 40 m, 58 m (Max/Mebius) Weight: 20,000 t, 64,000 t (Max/Mebius) Burrowing speed: Mach 2 (Max) Origin: Johnson Island, Fridnya (Max) Powers and Weapons Overall Burrowing: Gomora can burrow at fast speeds. This is because they used Super Oscillatory Wave to burrow underground. Mega-Ton Tail: Gomora's tail is often used in combat, even when severed it can briefly live on and attack. This tail is able to lift his whole body, as seen in Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends The Movie. Ultra Galaxy Super Oscillatory Wave (超振動波 Chō Shindō-ha): The Battle Nizer Gomora can fire a wave of energy from his nasal horn. Gomora can also impale his foe first, then fire an oscillatory wave that surges through his opponent's body. Can destroy a monster in one hit. This wave is supposedly what its species used to burrow but one known Battle Nizer Gomora managed to channel this as a weapon of defense. However in later media, other Gomoras (which all of them came from Spark Dolls) exhibited this ability through unexplained means. Monster Busters Powered Fireballs: Gomora can shoot pink fireballs from it's horn. Gomess (ゴメス Gomez), scientific name Gometeus (ゴメテウス Gometeusu), is the very first kaiju to appear in Ultra Q which makes him also the very first Ultra kaiju. ![]() History Ultra Q Gomess was a kaiju who, in ancient times, was the predator of the kaiju Litra. In the present day, he was disturbed from his hibernation by a group of miners. He attacks the mining site where he was awakened. However, a Litra was hatching from her egg and engaged Gomess in battle. Gomess is killed by Litra's Citronella Acid attack. However, this cost Litra her life as well and both monsters died together. Trivia Gomess is infamously known for being created from a loosely disguised Godzilla suit. Around the time of Toho's film, Mothra vs. Godzilla. Eiji Tsuburaya was beginning his work on the show, Ultra Q, and during the time of Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, a new Godzilla suit was to be used for the film. However when Tsuburaya pleaded with Toho Studios to use the suit, The MosuGoji suit was reused for the film instead. Once filming for episode 1 of Ultra Q was finished, The Godzilla suit that was used to make Gomess would later be given back to Toho Studios to create the film Invasion of Astro Monster. In episode 18, Gomess was intended to return. But due to filming of Invasion of Astro Monster, Toho lent the Baragon suit to Tsuburaya and Pagos was created instead. Gomess is one of the two very first monsters in the Ultra series. Gomess' appearance seems to be a mix of reptile, mammal, and insect Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle: Never Ending Odyssey Gomess reappeared in episodes 1 and 2 of the series, Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle: Never Ending Odyssey, as Gomess (S). When the ZAP SPACY's ship, The Pendragon, crashes on the desert planet Hammer, Gomess is the first monster to appear. Magular also appears and does battle against Gomess, but Gomess easily overpowers Magular until he turns his attention to the Pendragon. Rei sends out Gomora to battle the two kaiju and manages to destroy Magular. Gomess was revealed to be a Battlenizer monster and was called back by his unseen master before Gomora could finish him off. Gomess reappeared in the next episode when Rei used Litra to search for Alien Hook. This time, his master, Alien Guts appeared. After a battle with Gomora and Litra, Gomess was destroyed and Guts fled the scene. Trivia This series is Gomess's first appearance in color. In this series due to the more staggering sizes of the other monsters, Gomess's size is boosted to 40 meters rather than his original 10 meters. To differentiate from this previous appearance in Ultra Q, this incarnation of Gomess is referred to as "Gomess (S)" (Gomess Special) by Tsuburaya. During the opening credits to the series, Gomess is seen battling Arstron, even though neither monster fought or met each other in the series. ![]() Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie Gomess (S) reappeared in the movie, Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie as one of Ultraman Belial's 100 Monster Army. He was first seen as a spirit in a shot of the Monster Graveyard along with Alien Reflect and Eleking. He was then seen rising out of the ground along with Alien Baltan, Velokron, King Joe Black, Nova, and Antlar. He teamed up with Alien Baltan, Antlar, Magular, Zetton, Arigera, Gudon, Twin Tail, Gesura, Silvergon, and Goldras to take on Ultraman. He was betrayed and killed along with Alien Baltan by Ultraman Belial's Belial Geno Thunder during the final battle. Trivia The Gomess Suit from Ultra Galaxy NEO was reused for Gomess's appearance in the film. Gomess is one of the monsters that makes up Beryudora's Neck in Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie. Ultraman Saga Gomess (S) reappeared in the movie, Ultraman Saga. Gomess (as well as Earthtron and Gubila) is one of the monsters who has been revived by Alien Bat to serve him. Gomess works alongside Gubila and double teams Ultraman Cosmos. Shortly into the fight, Ultraman Zero (whom was only 5 meters tall,) shows up and evens the odds by battling Gomess (S). Despite his smaller size, Zero is strong enough to hold off Gomess (S) long enough for Ultraman Cosmos to calm down Gomess with the Luna Shootless, turning the monster good. However, Gomess (S) was tragically murdered by Alien Bat for his failure. Trivia The Gomess suit from Ultra Galaxy NEO was reused for his appearance in the film. According to the film's director, Hideki Oka, Gomess's introduction scene of him rising out of the ground is a tribute to the film, Mothra vs. Godzilla. Hideki Oka acknowledged that he is aware that the original Gomess' suit was originally created from the Godzilla suit. ![]() Data Original Stats Height: 10 m Weight: 30,000 t Origin: Okutama Powers and WeaponsEdit Burrowing: Gomess can burrow underground in a moderate speed. Fangs: Gomess possess a pair of fangs for close combat Tail: Gomess can use it's tail for bashing opponents. Gomess (S) Stats Height: 40 m Weight: 40,000 t Origin: Planet Hammer Powers and WeaponsEdit Burrowing: Gomess (S) can burrow underground in a moderate speed. Fangs: Gomess (S) possess a pair of fangs for close combat Tail: Gomess (S) can use it's tail for bashing opponents. Other Media
Ultraman Galaxy Gomess reappeared in the new puzzle role-playing game for mobile devices, Ultraman Galaxy as a C (Common) card that you can unlock him in one of the levels in the game with a high chance of getting Gomess. ![]() Otachi is a Category IV Kaiju. Biology As with Leatherback, Otachi is one of the largest and heaviest Category IV Kaiju to make landfall. She is larger than other Kaiju types in terms of length, though not mass. Otachi appears to walk on all fours, instead of standing upright like some other types of Kaiju. Her anatomy consists of two short legs and long, four digit hand-wings that bear a striking resemblance to a Pterosaur`s wing which she can use to fly. Her wings are stored inside her forearms for protection, folding out from an elongated, double-jointed fifth digit.[3] Otachi is capable of flight to the edge of space, even when her legs are carrying something as heavy as a Jaeger. She has a long tail with bony plates along her spine, as well as three prehensile pincers on the end of the tail; the tail is a potent weapon that can be used as a club or claw against Jaegers. The facial structure of Otachi is made up of a long neck, plated and ridged, and her head includes a large, powerful jaw and is marked by a signature crest on between her forehead and snout, with two extra, golden eyes on each front of the crest. The crest is curved in the front, with a long, sturdy spike protruding from the back for protection of the eyes. The bottom jaw is capable of splitting in two to spit from the pouch (below the maw). Her tongue has a flowering and bioluminescent structure which she apparently uses either as a grasping mechanism or sensing organ (similar in function to a snake's vomeronasal organ). She also has a sac under her neck that can be engorged to spit a blue, extremely corrosive acid, as seen when it melts the thick armor of a Jaeger and when it it easily liquifies the side of an office building. ![]() History Hong Kong Incident Otachi and Leatherback, a fellow Category IV, emerge from the breach and head for Hong Kong with the intention of hunting down Newton Geiszler. Crimson Typhoon, Striker Eureka and Cherno Alpha are deployed to intercept them. Striker Eureka remained on the sidelines on orders not to engage. Otachi springs out of the ocean, using its barbed tail to knock over Crimson Typhoon. Crimson Typhoon's pilots use their signature attack: the "Thundercloud formation" and activate all three of rotating blades. For the initial part of the battle, Otachi single-handedly engages Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha. During the fight, Otachi successfully parries two of Crimson Typhoon's attacks and crushes its blades. Crimson counter attacks by grabbing Otachi's claws, using its flexibility to toss the Kaiju over its shoulder. Cherno Alpha traps Otachi in a headlock and punches her repeatedly. Otachi uses her tail to knock Cherno Alpha over. As Crimson Typhoon prepares to attack Otachi again, its pilots are ignorant of the pincer at the end of Otachi's tail. The tail crushes and tears the Jaeger's Conn-Pod from its shoulders. The beheaded Jaeger collapses into the bay. Cherno Alpha recovers and advances, Otachi spits a stream of acid at the Jaeger, compromising the armor and causing the reactor to leak into the Conn-Pod. Striker Eureka attempts to come to Cherno Alpha's aid, but before it can reach the Mark-1, Leatherback springs from the water. It leaps onto Cherno Alpha's back while Otachi tears at one of the Jaeger's arms. Otachi abandons her assault against Cherno Alpha proceeds to intercept Striker Eureka while Leatherback destroys the former. Attacking Striker Eureka, Otachi fights the Jaeger and is overpowered. Moments away from being killed by a missile barrage from Striker Eureka's Anti-Kaiju Missiles, Leatherback disables Striker Eureka and the Shatterdome with an EMP attack. ![]() While Leatherback remains behind to observe and taunt the disabled Striker Eureka, Otachi heads into the city to hunt down Newton. She manages to track him down to a public Anti-Kaiju refuge. Before she can devour him, her attention is drawn toward an approaching Gipsy Danger, armed with an oil tanker. Otachi blindly charges the Mark-3 Jaeger, but is repelled by Gipsy Danger attacks with the tanker. Changing strategy, Otachi uses her pincer tail to grab the ship. She hurls it across the city and smacks Gipsy Danger with its tail. Otachi retreats deeper into the city. While she recovers, she uses the buildings as cover. She later re-engages Gipsy Danger, ambushing it when she crashes through a building. Grappling the Jaeger, she rams Gipsy Danger through another building and then drags it through a third. Before Gipsy Danger can counter, Otachi attacks it with her acid. The Jaeger dodges and rams its right hand into her throat with the intent of ripping her acid sac out. Otachi tries to use her tail pincer to crush Gipsy Danger's head. The Jaeger vents its coolant from the left side to freeze Otachi's tail; when Otachi's tail is frozen, Gipsy Danger shatters the tail and rips out the acid sac. Otachi leaps onto Gipsy Danger, wrapping her talons around its chest. Unfurling her wings, she takes flight with the Jaeger in tow. She drags Gipsy Danger across the tops several buildings and climbs fifty thousand feet above the atmosphere. As the pilot's oxygen begins runs out, Gipsy Danger successfully deploys its Chain Sword and cuts Otachi in half, ending the battle as the two fall back to earth. Aftermath Shortly after the death of Otachi, her body was harvested for organs and Kaiju Skinmites. When Hannibal Chau's workers entered her body to retrieve the secondary brain, they discover her brain is too damaged to for Newton's intended purpose. However, hearing the sound similar to a heartbeat, Chau's men are killed when Otachi's offspring escapes the womb and her dead body. Otachi's offspring would allow Newton and Hermann Gottlieb to accomplish a successful drift using its secondary brain. ![]() Trivia Otachi means "big sword" in Japanese. According to Guillermo del Toro, Otachi is female. According to Travis Beacham, Otachi is not the only Kaiju that can fly. In the novelization of the film, Otachi's tail acts independently of the rest of her body after it is severed by Gipsy Danger. Otachi is a playable DLC character in Pacific Rim: The Video Game. Otachi is one of the more cunning Kaiju after Slattern. The "stripes" on Otachi's underside are injuries caused by Crimson Typhoon's blades. Otachi's pain threshold appeared greater than other Kaiju. One example being that even after losing her tail, Otachi still steadily flew into the atmosphere. Otachi's character poster claims she has a Speed of 8. Scunner is a Category IV Kaiju. It protects the breach from the Jaegers alongside Slattern and Raiju. Biology Scunner's appearance and behavior is akin to that of a bull. Broad and stocky, its two curved horns jutting out of its head act as battering rams against armored opponents like the Jaegers. Scunner possess four arms that aid in its ability to move faster than its opponents under water. Its plated body armor allows it to take great amounts of damage in the most severe environments. Like most Kaiju, it has a green bioluminous glow throughout it's body. Its ability to work in tandem with other Kaiju makes it a particularly dangerous foe in combat. Like Slattern and Knifehead, Scunner's primary arms are actually two fused arms themselves ending in three-digited claws. History When Scunner and Raiju emerged from The Breach, they waited for the arrival of the two remaining Jaegers, Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka. Upon their approach to the Breach, Scunner and Raiju circle the Jaegers, using their lack of visibility against them. Once they reveal themselves, Scunner engages Gipsy Danger in combat. Gipsy Danger subdues Scunner, but before Gipsy Danger can kill Scunner with its right-arm GD6 Chain Sword, Raiju's jaws clamps down onto Gipsy's arm while swimming at top speed, tearing its arm off. Scunner frees itself from Gipsy's hold and takes advantage of the damaged and disorientated jaeger to bite and cripple Gipsy's right leg. Unleashing its Chainsword from its left arm, Gipsy pierces Scunner through the neck and drags its head over a volcanic pit, burning its face. Scunner, thrashing from the pain, escapes and off balances the damaged Jaeger giving it time to recover. Raiju attacks Gipsy Danger a second time, but is cut in half by its chain sword. Striker Eureka's endurance against Slattern forces the Category V Kaiju to call for aid. Scunner abandons its fight with Gipsy Danger in order to attack Striker Eureka. Gipsy's crippled leg prevented the Jaeger from helping Striker in time. As Scunner and Slattern move in to destroy Striker Eureka, its pilots detonate the thermonuclear bomb on its back, killing Scunner and critically wounding Slattern. Trivia Scunner uses the same basic CG body as Knifehead and Trespasser in the film. Scunner is the largest Category IV in Pacific Rim. Scunner and Raiju are the last Category IV Kaiju to emerge from the Breach before its destruction. The word "scunner" comes from Scotland, where it refers to something that triggers a strong reaction of disgust. Scunner is featured in Pacific Rim: The Video Game. Scunner is depicted on the Blu-Ray release of Pacific Rim, replacing Gipsy Danger in a lenticular image. NECA's Pacific Rim Series 4 will include a Scunner Action Figure, released around June 2014. Scunner is the tallest Category IV known. ![]() Technical Information Given Name: Scunner Breach Date: January 12, 2025 Category: IV Status: Deceased Kaiju Specifications Height: 441 ft (134.4m). Weight: 3,230 tons Speed: 5 Strength: 9 Armor: 8 Battle Information Attack Behavior: Coordination with other Kaiju Intimidation tactics and ingestion Toxicity: Low Powers: Pointed, plated protrusions designed to batter and ram Weaknesses: Oblique region Target Information City Targeted: None Jaegers Targeted or Destroyed: Striker Eureka, Gipsy Danger Clover is the given name of an underwater life form that appears in Cloverfield and Cloverfield/Kishin. The creature was created by artist Neville Page and JJ Abrams. ![]() Overview The monster came from the Atlantic Ocean, where it was awakened by Tagruato submarines sent down from Chuai Station to investigate. The monster rampages throughout Manhattan, destroying the city in its path. This destruction causes the United States government to sacrifice New York City in an attempt to kill the monster with heavy ordnance in the Hammerdown protocol. Before that, the monster killed Jason Hawkins, crushing him with its tail on the Brooklyn Bridge; its parasites bite Marlena Diamond, causing her to explode from the central cavity; and it bites Hud Platt in half just moments before the Hammerdown protocol. The whisper after the credits states that the monster is still alive, however, J.J. Abrams states that the military bombing killed the creature. The monster's origins are revealed in Cloverfield/Kishin. History The monster's origins are only revealed in the film's viral marketing campaign (Abrams wanted the movie to be realistic; if a monster did attack, civilians would have no idea where it came from), leaving some who have seen the film confused about where it really came from. Many speculate that it is of extraterrestrial descent, but this has been denied by J.J. Abrams. The object seen falling into the ocean is actually the Japanese government's ChimpanzIII satellite. The monster is a deep-sea creature with an unknown evolutionary history. The species apparently has a very long life-span, as the creature is still an infant during the events of the film, regardless of being alive for thousands of years. It grew to its massive size through consuming large amounts of Seabed's Nectar, a natural steroid-like substance which is very addictive and causes increased cell division and growth, and is used by Tagruato's subsidiary company, "Slusho!", for use as their secret ingredient in their frozen drink of the same name. At some point afterward, the monster went into a sort of hibernation. ![]() The monster was first discovered by one of Tagruato's marine biologists, Kazui Ichigawa. Tagruato later stole his laptop and files and killed him and his family while they were on vacation in Daisetsu-San National Park, covering the assassination up as the result of a gas explosion in their trailer. Later, they used this information to locate the monster and built the Chuai station over top of it, claiming (falsely) that they were drilling for oil there. Shortly before the rig was supposed to open, Tagruato sent several submarines from the station down six miles to the ocean floor to study the monster. This action disturbed the creature from its slumber, and in a fit of rage and fear it destroyed the station, then proceeded towards Manhattan. The creature, upon arriving to New York City, attempts to eat the Statue of Liberty's head, then throws it into the city when it realizes the head isn't edible. Though initially confused, the military's subsequent attacks frighten and later enrage the monster. For approximately five hours and fifty-seven minutes, it rampages throughout the city, destroying landmarks and battling the military. News companies were able to get their news choppers into the air to report the event, but after several choppers were taken down by the creature, the military suspended all news chopper activity. Evacuations of people and resources from the city were successful, and it is estimated that approximately 1.4 millions residents and visitors were evacuated by tunnel, helicopter and bridges, in which 350,000 of those residents and visitors were evacuated via the Holland Tunnel. By 0600 (6:00 AM), 78 successful airlifts from Manhattan had been completed, with only 2 choppers going down. After several failed attempts to kill the monster, the government approves the military execution of the HAMMER-DOWN Protocol at 0442 hours (4:42 AM), 120 minutes before execution, in a last ditch effort to destroy the monster. 120 minutes later, United States military aircraft flew over Manhattan, deploying their weapons to ultimately kill the creature. According to film producer J.J. Abrams, the creature is officially "...a baby. He's brand-new. He's confused, disoriented and irritable. And he's been down there in the water for thousands and thousands of years". ![]() Biology The monster is a 240-300 foot high quadruped with long tri-fork finned tail. The uppermost double-jointed limb pair is longer than the other two, ending in a multi-fingered hand which can bend backward so that the creature can walk on its fingers. The double-jointed, squat legs are powerful enough to support the creature’s mass, and yet still allow it to move relatively quickly for an organism of its size. Each of its feet is 30-40 feet in length, roughly the size of a city transit bus. The creature is covered in gray skin that exhibits a white pallor, possibly due to an absence of light on the ocean floor. The skin is also host to thousands of dog-sized parasites creatures. Its head has sharp, bony features and two eyes with pupils large enough to almost obscure their requisite sclera from view. Its face resembles that of a piranha or an angler fish. There are a set of membranous sacks on either side of the head behind the eyes, which inflate and recede back into the head. Some speculate them to be "ear membranes", much like those of a frog. Some fans have speculated that they are filled with some type of fluid to help it adjust to the different pressures it encounters on land. Others say they help the monster breathe the air which would be thin to it, due to its large size. Tucked between the monster's legs are two "external esophogi". The esophogi are used to eat creatures much smaller than itself (humans and any other large animals). In the Cloverfield/Kishin manga, the monster's external esophogi are shown using long, thin tubes to wrap around the victims and bring them in, though how much the manga can be trusted on these matters is unclear. The esophogi were first clearly seen when Hud looks up at the monster before it bites him. Fans originally misinterpreted the tubes to be limbs before their true nature was revealed. The esophogi end with teeth-like projections. It devoured several dozen Central Park carriage horses with, as well as (most likely) the people that Marlena mentioned the monster was eating when it moved down Broadway. The creature's skin showed a strong resistance to projectile weaponry, due to the immensely high resistance deep-sea creatures have shown against heat and pressure due to their environmental conditions. Shells from M1A2 tanks and M109A6 Paladins, AT-4 rockets and FGM-148 Javelin missile launchers, AGM-65 Mavericks and Mk-82 bombs and other high powered ordnance failed to do anything other than aggravate and frighten the creature. Diet The Monster's diet covers a large array of foods. The first hint at the monster's diet was when a photo of whales the monster had partially consumed appeared on 1-18-08.com. In Cloverfield, Marlena says she saw it "eating people". The exterior esophogi are the right size to consume humans, among other things. Other amateur video footage of the Cloverfield event reveal that the monster was also seen eating multiple horses at the same time with these tubes. However, it also eats humans with its mouth, as it bit one of the main characters in half. ![]() Parasites The Parasites are the secondary monsters in the film Cloverfield. Overview The monster was covered in 2,000 Parasites that are roughly the same weight and height as a dog. They have 10 legs consisting of six spider-like, double jointed limbs and 4 "pincers" on the top and back of its body. They have very large jaws, pale gray skin and multiple black eyes. The Department of Defense codenamed the parasites "HSP" (Human Scale Parasite). The Military notes how the parasites attack in pack coordination and prefer enclosed spaces for trapping and surprising their prey. They can also detect unsuspecting victims from afar, by an unknown method. The parasites are also suspected to be the reason the monster made its violent emergence from the water and onto land. A dead Parasite (tagged "Specimen #94P") was a key component in the Department's research in the physiology of the HSP. A yellow substance around its mouth was initially thought to be a sort of venom; however, further studies indicate that it may be a form of saliva. Parasite Bite The Parasites have concentrated levels of Katei no Mitsu in their blood, a key ingredient in Tagruato's Slusho! beverage. One theory is that water poured onto a Parasite causes a reaction in the Parasite's saliva that accelerates the degenerative process in the HSP's victims; The life span of a victim varies between 20 or 40 minutes. Moments before death, victims of Parasite bites exhibit symptoms of dizziness, bleeding from the eyes and nose alongside vomiting blood. Their bodies expand and the central cavity explodes outward. Marlena Diamond and a soldier being carried out on a stretcher died in this manner. Isolation of victims in their final moments are a precaution against initial fears of viral contamination. The rapid containment of their bodies before inevitable combustion is also necessary for hygienic purposes. Movement The parasites' movement is unique in that they have the ability to climb walls and cling onto ceilings. Their leg movement is similar to that of spiders, and have the ability to jump great distances. |
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