Synopsis for "Titano the Super-Ape" During a televised talent show, Lois Lane has Superman show off his ability to turn coal into diamonds, and then introduces a new act: Toto the monkey. After Toto shows off his proficiency with numbers, Lois easily befriends the ape when she cleans him up after he's struck by a pie thrown by a comedy routine. Toto's owner then tells Lois to join them at the Cape Rocket Range where Toto is going to be launched into space in a satellite as part of a publicity stunt. Lois and Superman both show up, and when the rocket doesn't launch, the Man of Steel lends a helping hand. while in space, Toto's satellite passes two meteors, one made of Uranium and the other Kryptonite colliding, their energies bombarding Toto. Upon arriving on Earth, Toto appears alive an well, but suddenly grows to a gigantic size. Renamed Titano by Lois Lane, the creature captures her. When Superman tries to save her, he finds that the creature can fire beams of Kryptonite energy from it's eyes, weakening the hero. Stuck as Titano's prisoner, Lois can only witness as Titano causes mischief and unintentional destruction of property. Using a lead shield, Superman manages to save Lois Lane, but the hero is still hard pressed over what to do about Titano. Trapping the creature in a cage, it still poses a threat to the Man of Steel due to its Kryptonite vision. Superman soon learns that the creature will try to imitate anything that Lois does, and so the two trick the gigantic ape into putting on a pair of specially made glasses that block its Kryptonite vision. Superman then sends Titano through the time barrier to prehistoric Earth, where the gigantic ape can live a happy life
Synopsis for "Titano the Super-Ape!"
At his Fortress of Solitude, Superman looks at his time monitor to check up on Titano in Earth's distant past. To his surprise, the creature suddenly vanishes from sight and reappears in modern day Metropolis. As the gigantic ape terrorizes the city, Superman's initial attack is rebuffed due to the super-ape's Kryptonite vision. As it captures Lois Lane, Superman puts on his specially built lead suit to battle the beast. The lead suit only proves to be a temporary protection as Superman flies too fast and the wind resistance causes the suit to melt away. After following Titano for a time, fixing the damage that he does, Superman realizes that Titano seems to be going for spherical objects. The Man of Steel then realizes that Titano was collecting a series of spheres in the Earth's past. Traveling back in time, Superman finds that they are some kind of gigantic coconut type fruit. Bringing one to the present, Titano begins to break it open and drink its contents. This distracts the super-beast enough for Superman to save Lois Lane and then knock Titano back through the time barrier returning him to the past era where Superman had originally placed him.
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