Godzilla Vs. Fantastic Four #1 Writers Ryan North and John Romita Jr. Main cover by Adam Kubert Wraparound variant cover by Leinil Francis Yu Foil variant cover by Mark Bagley Monster Homage variant cover by Nick Bradshaw Versus Variant cover by Lee Garbett In GODZILLA VS. FANTASTIC FOUR #1, witness a threat never before seen as King Ghidorah descends upon the Earth with the Power Cosmic as Galactus’ newest herald! Can the Fantastic Four stop him from destroying New York along with the rest of the planet? It’s a city smashing spectacular as Godzilla with the help of the Silver Surfer join forces to stop the world from certain annihilation! A must-have for Marvel and Godzilla fans alike! Release date: March 19 “The 1970s Godzilla: King of the Monsters series by Marvel was 100% out-of-control comic book fun! Anything went! The creative teams approached these one-shots with that same wildly imaginative spirit, and I guarantee you’ll see things you never thought possible with Godzilla OR Marvel!” wrote Editor Mark Paniccia, “Ryan North and Johnny Romita Jr. are a dream team in GODZILLA VS. FANTASTIC FOUR, depicting the kind of senses-shattering battle you’d expect when characters from Marvel and Toho collide!” GODZILLA VS. THE MARVEL UNIVERSE POSTER
$8.99 US 24"W x 36"H
January 2025
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