Forget everything you think you know about Atlantis. The ancient civilization was once an idyllic island in the middle of the ocean, subject not just to the regular caprice of Mother Nature, but also under the threat-and protection-of kaiju! Mechagodzilla provides them with their one true protection against these monstrous forces, but is it enough when ambitious and evil members of the cultural elite try to summon a three-headed beast to take control? All bets are off when King Ghidorah swoops down from the skies. But its presence not only terrifies the island citizenry, it also awakens the King of the Monsters to emerge from its home deep below the waves. Can Godzilla prevent the legendary civilization from a watery grave? Godzilla, Varan, skater punks, Australia... and now, aliens? Last issue, an earthquake trapped our skater punks underground-and now they find themselves lost in a high-tech military base that was hidden beneath their skatepark?! While the kaiju brawl continues above, our skater punks unwittingly dive farther into the base-and their government's extraterrestrial secrets-in an attempt to escape with their lives.
The roar of the twenties escalated to a mighty SKREONK as Godzilla attacked the party of the wrong man and hurt the wrong lady. Now Jay Gatsby has enlisted the help of SHERLOCK HOLMES, THOMAS EDISON, JULES VERNE, THE TIME MACHINIST, and more to put an end to the Godzilla threat once and for all. Watch as our new team travels twenty thousand leagues under the sea and turns Paris into the ultimate Godzilla trap in this thrilling feat of cartooning by the unrivaled Tom Scioli. Cover A (Scioli), Additional Covers Offered: Variant B (Scioli), 1:10 (Horvath), 1:25 (Mahfood Full Art) Story & Art Tom Scioli 48 Pages • $6.99 • DEC 2024 (Updated with all covers.) For the first time, the biblical origins of one of Godzilla's greatest allies will be revealed-Mothra. A mysterious kaiju who appears in times of need-now revealed to have once laid siege to Egypt in the real story behind the eighth biblical plague. Then, in 1804, watch as the Sons of Giants begin to unravel... And finally, what brought all of the kaiju to Rome hundreds of years ago? This sequel to the hit miniseries digs deeper into Godzilla lore, unveiling the secret history of the world long hidden-until now! This is it! The final battle between Godzilla, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and theterrifying combined forces of Rita and Astronema! And the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance! But can the Teenagers with Attitude and the King of the Monsters stand a chance against the Kaiju Psycho Rangers now that they've absorbed the powers of Destoroyah, Megalon, King Ghidorah, SpaceGodzilla, and Gigan?
January 2025
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